Guangzhou Chen

Guangzhou Chen

Assistant Professor
Phone: (603) 862-1162
Office: UNH CHHS Recreation Management & Policy, Hewitt Hall, Durham, NH 03824
Pronouns: He/him/his

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Recreation Management and Policy at the University of New Hampshire. My research focuses on how events of various types can be leveraged to provide benefits to the hosting destination. Through my research, I strive to provide recommendations for the design and management of event programs to maximize positive outcomes for event stakeholders and local communities, such as active living, community development and sense of community. In this research area, I am currently working on two major research projects: (1) leveraging senior games for active living, and (2) leveraging the cancellation of in-person events for positive social outcomes.

Courses Taught

  • RMP 559: Mktg Recreation
  • RMP 663: Mgmt Experience Industry
  • RMP 680: Festival and Event Planning


  • Ph.D., Recreation, Sport and Tourism, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • M.S., Human Geography and Planning, Utrecht University,Netherlands
  • B.S., Tourism Management, Beijing Int Studies Univ,China

Selected Publications

  • Chen, G., Welty Peachey, J., & Stodolska, M. (2025). Sense of Community among Event Stakeholders during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of the Illinois Marathon. Journal of Global Sport Management, 10(1), 22-41. doi:10.1080/24704067.2023.2196526

  • Lu, L., Zhou, R., Chen, G., & Misener, L. (2024). Examining the Evolution of Network Governance Forms of an Event Leveraging Collective: A Longitudinal Investigation. Event Management, 28(5), 673-690. doi:10.3727/152599524x17066809545638

  • Schulenkorf, N., Welty Peachey, J., Chen, G., & Hergesell, A. (2024). Event leverage: a systematic literature review and new research agenda. European Sport Management Quarterly, 24(3), 785-809. doi:10.1080/16184742.2022.2160477

  • West, S. T., Wu, X., Liechty, T., Son, J. S., Juris, J., Janke, M., . . . Chen, G. (2024). Today's Older Adults: Strategies of Facilitating Sport Participation. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. doi:10.18666/jpra-2024-12066

  • Son, J. S., Chen, G., Liechty, T., Janke, M. C., West, S. T., Wong, J. D., & Naar, J. J. (2024). The Role of Facilitators in the Constraint Negotiation of Leisure-Time Physical Activity. Leisure Sciences, 46(2), 123-142. doi:10.1080/01490400.2021.1919253

  • Woo, M., Jang, I., Chen, G., Liechty, T., & Kerins, A. (2024). Sense of community in roller derby. Journal of Leisure Research, 1-20. doi:10.1080/00222216.2023.2300276

  • Woolf, J., Chen, G., Haugen, M., & Welty Peachey, J. (2024). Role Conflict of Chinese Student-Athletes: Distinct Challenges They Face and Implications for Collegiate Sport Administrators. Journal of Global Sport Management, 9(1), 113-131. doi:10.1080/24704067.2022.2062030

  • Chen, G., Peachey, J. W., & Stodolska, M. (2024). Leveraging the Cancellation of In-Person Sport Events for Sense of Community: The Case of the Illinois Marathon. Event Management, 28(1), 41-57. doi:10.3727/152599523x16907613842138

  • Chen, G., Lu, L. D., & Filo, K. (2023). Exploring Social Entrepreneurial Activities at a Community Sport Event in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Event Management, 27(8), 1165-1182. doi:10.3727/152599523x16847420514737

  • Chen, G., Janke, M. C., Liechty, T., Wong, J. D., West, S. T., Son, J. S., . . . Johnston, C. (2023). Sport Participation for Adults Aged 50 + Years: A Socioecological Analysis. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 97(3), 354-373. doi:10.1177/00914150221143958