Master Gardener Projects
(in order by county, last revised 4/19/18)
Here is a list of county projects that are currently happening. If you are a Master Gardener and want to get involved in any of these projects, contact the Master Gardener Coordinator, Ruth Smith
Belknap County Plant Sale
Belknap County Nursing Home
Gilford Farmers’ Market
Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center, Laconia
Wolfeboro Town Garden
Wright Museum Victory Garden, Wolfeboro
Cornucopia Project - School Gardens
Distant Hill Gardens, Walpole
Keene Housing Authority
4-H Garden Club
Bridgewater-Hebron Elementary School
Garden Buddies, Franconia
Mt. Sacred Heart convent garden, Littleton
Cornucopia Project - School Gardens
Elders on the Grow, Hillsborough County Nursing Home
Manchester Community Gardens
Canterbury Shaker Museum
The Fells, Newbury
NH Audubon's McLane Center pollinator gardens, Concord
NH Audubon Massabesic Center, Auburn
Celia Thaxter Garden
Crossroads House, Portsmouth
Great Bay Discovery Center, Greenland
Lamprey River Elementary School, Raymond
New Creations Garden, Kingston
Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth
Bedrock Gardens, Lee
Hyder Family Hospice House, Dover
Strafford County Plant Sale, Durham
Wagon Hill Community Garden, Durham
Brookside Park
Statewide Projects
InfoLine at Education Center
NH Free Seed Program
NH Master Gardeners’ Alumni Association
Speakers’ Bureau
Information Booth Outreach