Collaborative Aggregation and Marketing Workshops

Online Only

Are you a small or mid-sized farmer interested in working with others to distribute and market your products? Are you interested in how such models can contribute to farmer viability?

The Food Systems Lab at UNH is partnering with UNH Extension to host a series of peer learning workshops for anyone interested in collaborative aggregation and marketing. Workshops will feature farmers and leaders with experience in a range of marketing models (multi-farm CSAs, online farmers markets, or food hubs led by farmers), followed by a peer learning and discussion session to explore questions and experiences. This free virtual series is open to anyone with interest in the topic and will inform a research and education project funded by Northeast SARE to synthesize emerging knowledge of best practices and strategies for successful collaborative marketing.   

Join us for a free virtual series of peer-to-peer learning workshops to discuss experiences with:

• inventory and pricing

• aggregation and distribution

• marketing

• organizational structure

Each workshop is stand-alone, so feel free to attend one or all depending on which aggregation model you are interested in. Hosted by the Food Systems Lab at the University of New Hampshire.

Workshop Topic Schedule

  1. Multi-farm CSA – Monday Jan 22: Featuring Davis Trumble of Local Harvest
  2. Online Farmers’ Market – Thursday February 1: Featuring Greg Georgaklis of Farmers to You
  3. Online Farmer-Owned Food Hub – Wednesday February 7: Featuring Kate Donald of Three River Farmers Alliance

Cost: Free

This material is based upon work supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, through the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program under subaward number LNE22-436. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

apple crates
  • Jesse Wright

    For persons with disabilities requiring special accommodations, please contact Hannah Stokes-Ramos, 202-870-1040, prior to the event. Given ample time, we will make any reasonable effort to make accommodations.