Sanborn Mills Farm
7097 Sanborn Rd
Loudon, NH 03307
United States
This day-long workshop will provide a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the basic skills necessary to: recognize important wildlife habitat components on your land, understand how different habitat features are used by specific wildlife species, and understand what you can do on your land to create & enhance habitat opportunities for wildlife.
This workshop will not be held in the rain. Students will be notified the evening prior to the event if it must be cancelled for bad weather. The scheduled rain date is September 27th.
Skills and Techniques:
- How to identify common tree & shrub species and how each functions as habitat for wildlife
- How to recognize common components of wildlife habitat and how each functions as habitat for specific wildlife species
- How to improve habitat on your land in a manner that attracts wildlife to your land while enhancing the habitat value of your neighborhood.
Special Tools or Equipment: Clothing & Footwear appropriate to walk in the woods off-trail and through tall grass. Insect & tick repellent. Binoculars.