Sara enjoys engaging private landowners, volunteers, municipalities, conservation organizations, and communities on land stewardship and conservation initiatives that enhance wildlife habitat, protect water resources, provide outdoor recreational opportunities and restore our natural ecosystems. She provides educational opportunities and technical assistance to organizations and communities within Rockingham County and the coastal watershed to help them evaluate conservation resources, identify conservation priorities, and she provides tools and resources to help reach conservation and stewardship goals.
After graduating from UNH, Sara began her career in land conservation and stewardship at the Society for the Protection of NH Forests as an easement steward. Then she worked as a Land Agent for Strafford Rivers Conservancy (now part of Southeast Land Trust of NH), and most recently she was the Land Stewardship Coordinator for the Town of Durham.
M.S., Natural Resources, Wildlife Concentration, University of New Hampshire
B.S., General Biology and Environmental Science (dual degree), University of New Hampshire