Thomas Ballestero

Director, UNH Stormwater Center
Phone: (603) 862-1405
Office: Civil & Environmental Engineering, Gregg Hall Rm 238, Durham, NH 03824

Tom Ballestero is a hydrologist and water resources engineer.  He is an Associate Professor in the Civil Engineering Department at the University of New Hampshire. His experience with surface water runoff extends back to 1976 when he co-taught short courses on modeling techniques. His current research projects include the Stormwater Center, stream restoration (in close collaboration with the US Fish & Wildlife Service), and bedrock hydrogeology. Dr. Ballestero teaches advanced courses on: stormwater systems, stream restoration, sediment transport, open channel flow, engineering hydrology, and hydrologic monitoring. Dr. Ballestero is the former Director of the New Hampshire Water resources Research Center, and is presently a commissioner for the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission.  Dr. Ballestero holds professional licensure as a:  Professional Engineer, Professional Hydrologist, Professional Geologist, and Groundwater Professional.

Courses Taught

  • CEE 650: Fluid Mechanics Lab
  • CEE 751/851: Open Channel Flow
  • CEE 754/854: Engineering Hydrology
  • CEE 755/855: Pressurized Water Systems
  • CEE 758: Stormwater Management Designs
  • CEE 758/858: Stormwater Management Designs
  • CEE 759/859: Stream Restoration
  • CEE 858: Stormwater Management Designs
  • CEE 954: Advanced Groundwater Topics
  • CEE 959: Adv Stream Restoration Topics


  • Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Colorado State University
  • M.S., Civil Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
  • B.S., Civil Engineering, Pennsylvania State University

Selected Publications

  • Gloekler, M. D., Kinner, N. E., Ballestero, T. P., Sweet, T., & Ahern, J. (2024). Critical shear stress of sunken, No. 6 heavy fuel oil in fresh water.. Mar Pollut Bull, 203, 116430. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116430

  • Bixler, T. S., Houle, J., Ballestero, T., & Mo, W. (2019). A dynamic life cycle assessment of green infrastructures. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 692, 1146-1154. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.345

  • Andres, A. S., Ballestero, T. P., & Musick, M. L. (2018). Stormwater Management: When Is Green Not So Green?. GROUNDWATER, 56(3), 357-358. doi:10.1111/gwat.12653

  • GLOEKLER, M. D., BALLESTERO, T. P., DAVE, E. V., GAUDREAU, I. P., WATKINS, C. B. R., & KINNER, N. E. (2017). MOVEMENT AND EROSION OF ALBERTA BITUMEN ALONG THE BOTTTOM AS A FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE, WATER VELOCITY AND SALINITY. In International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings Vol. 2017 (pp. 2306-2326). doi:10.7901/2169-3358-2017.1.2306

  • Houle, J. J., Ballestero, T. P., & Puls, T. A. (2017). The Performance Analysis of Two Relatively Small Capacity Urban Retrofit Stormwater Controls. JOURNAL OF WATER MANAGEMENT MODELING, 25. doi:10.14796/JWMM.C417

  • Houle, J. J., Roseen, R. M., Ballestero, T. P., Puls, T. A., & Jr, S. J. (2013). Comparison of Maintenance Cost, Labor Demands, and System Performance for LID and Conventional Stormwater Management. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 139(7), 932-938. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000698

  • Roseen, R. M., Ballestero, T. P., Houle, J. J., Briggs, J. F., & Houle, K. M. (2012). Water Quality and Hydrologic Performance of a Porous Asphalt Pavement as a Storm-Water Treatment Strategy in a Cold Climate. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 138(1), 81-89. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000459

  • Watts, A. W., Ballestero, T. P., Roseen, R. M., & Houle, J. P. (2010). Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Stormwater Runoff from Sealcoated Pavements. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 44(23), 8849-8854. doi:10.1021/es102059r

  • Roseen, R. M., Ballestero, T. P., Houle, J. J., Avellaneda, P., Briggs, J., Fowler, G., & Wildey, R. (2009). Seasonal Performance Variations for Storm-Water Management Systems in Cold Climate Conditions. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 135(3), 128-137. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(2009)135:3(128)

  • Watts, A. W., Ballestero, T. P., & Gardner, K. H. (2006). Uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in salt marsh plants Spartina alterniflora grown in contaminated sediments. CHEMOSPHERE, 62(8), 1253-1260. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2005.07.006

  • Most Cited Publications