Landscape Plant Pests

Resource Category Topic Type
White Grubs [fact sheet]
White grubs are the larval or grub stage of several species of beetles and chafers. The two most troublesome species in New Hampshire are the European...
Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Agriculture & Gardens, Pesticide Safety Education Agriculture & Gardens
White Pine Weevil [fact sheet]
The white pine weevil (Pissodes strobi) is one of the most destructive insect pests of eastern white pines in North America. Norway spruce, jack pine,...
Pesticide Safety Education, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
Beneficial Insects in New Hampshire Farms & Gardens [fact sheet]
Although there are plenty of references on insect pests, there are relatively few references that feature beneficial insects. I wrote this publication...
Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Agriculture & Gardens, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens Fact Sheet
Insect Pests of Home Lawns [fact sheet]
Introduction<br /> <br /> There are several insects and mites that feed on grass, but not all cause economic or aesthetic damage. Many of them are h...
Yard & Garden
Best Practices for Submitting Your Insect for Identification
There are between 10 and 20 thousand species of insects in New Hampshire, so identifying an insect, spider or tick is often the crucial first step tow...
Insect Identification Services, Agriculture & Gardens
Beetles on Ornamental Plants [fact sheet]
In late spring and early summer, there are several species of adult beetles in the home landscapes of New Hampshire, attacking prized ornamental trees...
Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
Tarnished Plant Bug [fact sheet]
Among the several species of plant bugs that invade New Hampshire fruit, vegetable, and ornamental crops, the one that does the most damage is the tar...
Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Pesticide Safety Education, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens