New Hampshire 4-H Working Steer Project

Resource Topic
NH Fairs
Throughout the summer NH fairs offer a venue for 4-Hers to show off their animal science projects.  Each fair has its own registration process and dea...
Guidelines for 4-H Working Steer Show Judges
Judging 4-H shows can be a very rewarding experience. As a judge you have the opportunity to contribute in a positive way to the 4-H member’s total pr...
NH 4-H Working Steer Manual
This is a guide to help support NH 4-H members partcipating in the NH 4-H Working Steer project.  The manual is free to download.<br /> <br />  <br ...
New Hampshire 4-H
Working Steer Project Fact Sheet
The 4-H Working Steer Project allows youth the opportunity to train a pair of steers (castrated males) to work together as a team. Oxen are not a spec...
New Hampshire 4-H
New Hampshire 4-H Working Steer Project Overview
The New Hampshire 4-H Working Steer Project is long-term project that allows youth the opportunity to train a pair of steers (castrated male bovines) ...
New Hampshire 4-H
4-H Animal Project Forms, Fact Sheets and Resources
4-H Animal Project Forms, Fact Sheets and Resources
New Hampshire 4-H