2022 County and State Highlights

  • People looking at plant

Download State Highlights

County Contributions: $2.8M

UNH Contributions: $8.1M

In 2022, for every $1.00 that counties contributed, UNH provided $2.03 of statewide resources.

These contributions leveraged an additional $8.3M in federal funds, grants, program income and gifts.

Extension Educators worked with 2,144 N.H. businesses.

Program Spotlights: Extension is supporting New Hampshire residents, the economy and the environment through education. In 2022, $458K of additional revenue for landowners and $46K of additional tax revenue to municipalities was generated by recommendations from Extension foresters. A 4-H school enrichment program served 890 youth. In Manchester, 1,805 youth who identify as culturally or linguistically diverse and/or low-income, engaged in our STEM Discovery Lab programs. From helping farmers start their own businesses to providing nutrition education to families experiencing food insecurity, Extension addresses critical needs of the Granite State.


“UNH Extension’s expertise in wildlife habitat stewardship, forestry and community outreach is instrumental in getting projects completed on the ground and in exposing the public to projects that make our natural world a healthier place for humans and animals. Nature Groupie interns have been of particular benefit to us in these endeavors. The New Hampshire economy depends upon healthy recreational areas, water and air, as well as efforts to combat climate change impact and protect resources such as timber and agricultural products.

-Tom Brightman, Former Durham Land Stewardship Coordinator

"UNH Extension makes Coös County a better place to live though the technical assistance and planning they provide to
small businesses such as ours – a small, family-owned dairy farm. They have assisted us with crop production, animal
nutrition and other areas of livestock production, as well as succession planning and developing a business plan. They are
willing to come to our business and work with us on site which makes a huge difference for a small business owner; they are willing to do the traveling so we don’t have to.”

-Cathy & Dave Conway, Yawnoc Dairy Farm, Jefferson

“My role is to increase the wealth of the community through business expansion and retention. Economic developers are service providers and UNH Extension is one of the tools in our toolbox. Exten- sion’s Business Expansion and Retention Program broadened my connections and created a network that didn’t exist before. Extension provides resources that are so important to businesses in our community and to the whole state. It is money very well spent.”

-Darren Winham, Economic Development Director for Exeter

Community and Economic Development

  • 640 people learned to help their communities adapt to major health and environmental events through Resiliency Academy
  • Extension is working with municipalities like Keene, Rochester and Hopkinton to connect sites of outdoor recreation to local business communities

Education and 4-H Youth Development

  • 3,850 youth enrolled in 4-H
  • 714 trained volunteers worked with 4-H youth, a value of $1.8M
  • 1,998 youth educated in STEM topics like astronomy and engineering

Food and Agriculture

  • $1M in payroll for 84 employees of 5 farms supported through succession planning. 2365 acres preserved
  • 50 people learned how to start an agricultural business in New Farmer School
  • Integrated pest management reduced exposure of pesticides to farm workers and the environment and saved nearly $100K in expenses and $200K in reduced food waste

Health and Well-Being

  • 1,100 school and community members received Mental Health First Aid® instruction from 55 people trained by Extension
  • Collaborated with 35 public health organizations and schools to influence 108 policies, systems and environmental changes
  • $10.64 saved in downstream healthcare costs for every $1 spent to implement nutrition education programs (based on cost-effectiveness study in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior)

Natural Resources

  • $1.2M of additional annual total production value of forest products resulted from recommendations from Extension foresters
  • Volunteers reached 8,340 people with stewardship and wildlife conservation education, valued at $926K
  • 84 people from across sectors attended NH Climate Summit, led by NH Sea Grant


  • 4,368 volunteers
  • 175,911 hours
  • $5.4M value of volunteer time (State Values of Volunteer Time (NH): $30.75; independentsector.org/)

Download Belknap Highlights (PDF)

Belknap Contributions: $159,097

UNH Contributions: $386,113

In 2022, for every $1 Belknap County contributed, UNH provided $2.43 of statewide resources.

Program Spotlight: Over 96% of Belknap County residents who participated in Youth Mental Health First Aid® in 2022 reported an increased ability to respond to serious behavioral health issues such as substance use and suicidal thoughts. This training gives adults who work with youth the skills they need to reach out and provide initial support to children and adolescents (ages 6-18) who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care. Research suggests that these participants are now more likely to help build overall healthier communities.


“We’re a very tourism-based economy up here – from Lake Winnipesaukee to the Gunstock ski area to the burgeoning
newer economic development over in
Franklin. UNH has resources and assets that can help direct that. The vast amount of program areas that Extension has covers so many different sectors of the community, including agriculture, which affects me."

-Aaron Lichtenberg, Winnipesaukee Woods Farm, Alton Bay

“I have always had an interest in forestry,
but lacking knowledge and experience, I was not sure what to do on the land that my family has been hiking and camping on since the 1950s. Extension’s forestry advice and information about forest conservation, invasive plants, estate planning, hiring a licensed forester and preparing a forest management plan has been most helpful. We have also agreed to do an initial timber cut and pruning on a portion of the land that our forester cited in need of harvesting.”

-Brian Williams, Landowner, Sanbornton

“I’ve had the opportunity to work with 4-H
programs, selected scholarship recipients and judged competitions. As a former educator, that’s really important to me – any opportunities we can provide to our young people, including spaces to learn about farming and career paths. I’ve also served on the Kimball Wildlife Forest Committee, which Extension has helped advise with management of two miles of walking trails. Most recently, Extension has helped Ramblin’ Vewe Farm develop programs, become more efficient and increase profitability.”

-Sandy McGonagle, 4-H Volunteer, Ramblin’ Vewe Farm, Board of Trustees

Community and Economic Development

  • Provided planning and programming support for the first annual New England Coffee Festival, which was estimated to have attracted 5,000 visitors and attendees to downtown Laconia in May

Education and 4-H Youth Development

  • 13 teachers serving grades 2-8 received school supplies and training for Extension’s Community to School program in agricultural science
  • 177 4-H youth mentored by 47 trained 4-H volunteers

Food and Agriculture

  • 20 start-up business owners supported on topics like business structure, finance, taxation and labor
  • 25 people trained through New Farmer School

Health and Well-Being

  • 30 professionals trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid®, including 11 from the Prospect Mountain School District

Natural Resources

  • 108 people working with Extension to manage forest pest outbreaks and monitor water quality in the Lakes Region


  • 162 volunteers
  • 8,823 hours
  • $271K value of volunteer time (State Values of Volunteer Time (NH): $30.75;independentsector.org/)

Download Carroll County Highlights Sheet (PDF)

Carroll Contributions: $292,049

UNH Contributions: $494,493

In 2022, for every $1.00 that Carroll contributed, UNH provided $1.69 of statewide resources. 

Program Spotlight: With funding from NH Fish and Game, Extension worked with the Town of Eaton to identify and conserve wildlife habitats. Eaton was one of five towns chosen to participate in the Taking Action for Wildlife Community Conservation Cohort, through which town representatives received in-depth training on how to protect wildlife and natural resources. Positive feedback from the community has led to initiation of a conservation plan to inform Eaton’s 2025 master plan.


“We have partnered with Extension on nutrition education, food access and 4-H. Joy Gagnon’s nutrition programs are educating families on ways to shop on a bud- get and stretch their funds as far as they can, while sharing resources about retailers who participate in Double Up Bucks for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. She’s also bringing together folks in the Ossipee area to better support one another and to collectively solve problems specific to that area.”

-Caleb Gilbert, Director of Public Health for Carroll County Coalition for Public Health

“Our organization is focused on behavioral and mental health, and we treat people
with substance use disorders. We help
them get back on their feet, but many are homeless and food insecure. Extension’s
Nutrition Connections program helps at
our community resource center, teaching people how to safely cook over an open fire and supplying food to them through a community garden.”

-Mitchell Yeaton, CEO of White Horse Recovery

“Diversity is one aspect that seems to be missing in a lot of organizations – we don’t focus enough on it, and we don’t invite enough people to be a part of decision-making. We need to be asking who is at the table? Who isn’t there? How do we correct that? There isn’t any one answer, but I think UNH Extension is uniquely positioned to address that in a big way. I’ve been impressed with Extension’s increased focus on diversity and equity issues.”

-Nadine San Antonio, Wolfeboro Farmers Market Manage

Education and 4-H Youth Development

  • An underwater robotics program called SeaPerch at Madison Elementary School and a mousetrap car workshop in Effingham taught STEM skills to youth
  • Youth participated in Earth science programs like mineral collection hikes, analyzing geodes and a jewelry making workshop taught by a North Conway jeweler

Food and Agriculture

  • Raised awareness and provided resources for farmers to address the root causes of mental health. Obtained grants to cover expenses for counseling and technical assistance in business management for farmers

Health and Well-Being

  • 6000 residents reached by delivering innovative cooking and nutrition classes like campfire cooking and couples cooking, and by supporting community-wide efforts such as the Diaper Depot, the White Horse Recovery Community Garden and the Master Wellness Volunteer Age Friendly Communities initiative

Natural Resources

  • Extension provided 175 private landowners with education and technical assistance in forest management, affecting 2,750 acres. This helped residents make informed decisions about tree health, forest productivity, timber harvests, water quality protection and management of wildlife habitat


  • 253 volunteers
  • 8,598 hours
  • $264K value of volunteer time (state Values of Volunteer Time (NH): $30.75; independentsector.org/)

Download Cheshire County Highlights (PDF)

Cheshire Contributions: $176,835

UNH Contributions: $358,224

In 2022, for every $1.00 that Cheshire contributed, UNH provided $2.03 of statewide resources.

Program Spotlight: The county forester consulted with a landowner whose forest had been heavily impacted by the hemlock looper, a native moth that can severely damage hemlock forests when its population spikes. The county forester provided a list of licensed foresters to the landowner and submitted a referral to NRCS for cost-share to have a management plan developed for the property. The landowner received EQIP cost-share funds, developed a forest management plan and completed a salvage logging operation. Shortly thereafter, Extension assisted a neighboring landowner whose property was also impacted by hemlock looper


“Our community benefited from Extension professionals’ expertise through an outdoor recreation program called Down-
town and Trails, which resulted in a study
of the economic impact of our rail trails. This information was vital to pushing for- ward a wayfinding program to help trail users navigate our community and moving residents and visitors to our downtown to boost tourism.”

-Andy Bohannon, Parks, Recreation and Facilities, Director, City of Keene

“We have 40 acres of woods that had been defoliated – it was shocking and devastating. We called Extension to ask what was going on and they informed us there had been an outbreak of a pest called the Eastern Hemlock Looper. Extension staff helped us get a federal grant to develop a forest management plan that will last us the next 10 years. It’s reassuring to know that we have that level of expertise available to us as we go forward with the preservation and management of this beautiful piece of woods.”

-Anita Moeller, Landowner, Richmond

“Our goal has been to improve forest diversity and wildlife habitat, supporting the overall forest health of two wood-lots — our homestead in Westmoreland and our land in Richmond. The more we educate ourselves on this subject, the more we realize how multifaceted woodlot management really is. That’s why we value and depend upon the advice and research materials provided by the county foresters and UNH Extension resources.”

-Beth & Bill Franzen, Landowners, Westmoreland

Education and 4-H Youth Development

  • 60 4-H’ers participated as exhibitors at the Cheshire County Fair
  • Extension collaborated with Monadnock Regional School District on a grant to expand 4-H programming to after school programs at four schools in Cheshire County

Food and Agriculture

  • After several years of poor yields, technical assistance in no-till crop seeding led to a dairy operation substantially increasing forage and milk production, while decreasing animal feed expenses

Natural Resources

  • 135 people were educated in wildlife conservation, biodiversity, forest ecology and how to mitigate the effects of climate change on natural resources at the Monadnock Region Natural History Conference in Keene

Health and Well-Being

  • 5 mobile food pantry sites established
  • To help people adopt healthy eating habits and access healthy food, Extension provided education to 290 Cheshire youth and adults through healthy eating and active living programs, a close partnership with Keene Housing


  • 142 volunteers
  • 8,454 hours
  • $260K value of volunteer time (state Values of Volunteer Time (NH): $30.75; independentsector.org/)

Download the Coös County Highlights (PDF)

Coös  Contributions: $235,960

UNH Contributions: $462,693

In 2022, for every $1.00 that Coös contributed, UNH provided $1.96 of statewide resources.

Program Spotlight: In the summer of 2022, Barry Conservation Camp reopened after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic. Camp is a partnership between UNH Extension and NH Fish and Game. This collaboration instills principles of positive youth development to create a safe and rewarding experience. Located in the scenic White Mountain National Forest on the grounds of the Berlin Fish Hatchery, Barry Conservation Camp provides a memorable experience for kids who love the outdoors, enjoy hands-on learning and can benefit from participating in a small camp.


“I see UNH Extension as a network of community resources, connecting farmers to education, food access and nutrition
programs. This enhances collaboration,
support and community between farmers and consumers. I have greatly benefited from the educational webinars and agent visits to the farm to diagnose crop issues and improve my knowledge. I’m also grateful for the food safety education I received to ensure that I’m providing the safest produce to the public. I was very excited to have the opportunity to host the New Farmer School at our farm and pass on my knowledge.”

-Sue Greene, Slopeside Farm, Lancaster

“UNH Extension offers such great programs in the North Country. I started with Extension by taking Cooking Matters classes. I was able to learn so much about healthy eating and how to use the foods I have on hand. I then went on to become a 4-H leader. Through this position, I get to see kids make a difference.”

-Stephanie Chase, 4-H Club Leader, Berlin

"UNH Extension provides services to the county that enrich residents, whether it be agricultural services, food and health topics or 4-H. I have been attending fruit and vegetable workshops for two decades and have applied the training I received to my gardens. My commercial vegetable operation has improved from the business assistance I have received from Extension personnel. They have resources that locals might not otherwise obtain.”

-Scott Stepanian, Bungy Breeze Farm, Columbia

Education and 4-H Youth Development
  • 242 campers attended Barry Conservation Camp for shooting sports, fishing, hunter education, wilderness skills and junior conservation officer training
Food and Agriculture
  • Provided technical assistance in soil health and nutrient management to farms, resulting in reduced labor costs and improved crop yields
  • Supported farms through succession planning to transition farm management to the next generation and ensure the elder generation will have retirement income

Health and Well-Being

  • Extension is striving to improve food security for Coös County residents. Educators provided education and support to local food pantries and farmers’ markets, led farm to school programs, and initiated development of a regional food council

Natural Resources

  • Based on an increase in land sales and inquiries from realtors, developed Timber Valuation for Realtors program to represent value of forested land more accurately during real estate transactions


  • 120 volunteers
  • 12,684 hours
  • $390K value of volunteer time (State Values of Volunteer Time (NH): $30.75; independentsector.org/)

Download Grafton County Highlights (PDF)

Grafton Contributions: $338,882

UNH Contributions: $533,907

In 2021, for every $1.00 that Grafton contributed, UNH provided $1.68 of statewide resources.

Program Spotlight: Food safety specialists created training materials for non-English speaking refugees and immigrants working in agriculture in Grafton. Specialists also provided technical assistance on the Food Safety Modernization Act to farmers who implemented food safety practices to decrease risk of foodborne illness.


“As with all NH Master Gardeners, I was taught science-based gardening through UNH Extension. Extension is our go-to for the latest in plant science and free seeds for our project at Whole Village in Plymouth. They also have a grant program that helps Master Gardeners keep up with operational costs. We normally apply for funding for mulch, organic fertilizer and tools. This is a huge savings for us. Last season the Plymouth garden distributed over 600 pounds of produce to the local food bank and through Extension’s Nutrition Connections program, supporting classes in preparing fresh foods.”

-Robert Richer, Master Gardener, Groton

“4-H engages the county’s young people in
exciting learning and volunteer opportunities such as the Jingle Bell Walk at the county nursing home. Master Gardeners maintain areas around the nursing home where residents and their families can enjoy flowers and plants. Food safety and nutrition specialists educate residents on providing safe and nutritious meals on a limited budget. Farmers and woodlot owners rely heavily on Extension’s technical expertise. Experts from Extension are always available to help.”

-Linda D. Lauer, Former County Commissioner and State Rep, Coverts Volunteer, Advisory Council member, Bath

“We see a renewed interest in homesteading at our greenhouses where we retail flower and vegetable plants. Food
shortages and rising costs from the early
days of COVID have brought questions from customers who have never gardened before. UNH Extension is our go-to resource for any vegetable growing concern. It is important to have a trusted and knowledgeable partner like UNH Extension to guide us to the resources we need when faced with the challenges of plant diseases or insect management — all of which increases our revenue and success.”

-Tammy & Paul Collins, Collins Farm, Upper Village, Bath

Community and Economic Development

  • Extension partnered with the Upper Valley Business Alliance in the Hanover/Lebanon area to host local business roundtable discussions

Education and 4-H Youth Development

  • Fostered intergenerational learning experiences with Grafton County Nursing Home residents through 4-H events including holiday parade, carved pumpkin display and animal parade/petting zoo

Food and Agriculture

  • Conducted applied research on pest management in apples, reduced tillage in strawberries with cover cropping and completed a cucumber variety trial at the Grafton County Farm Created training materials in conjunction with NHDES on PFAS, a group of chemicals that contaminate soil and water

Health and Well-Being

  • Leveraging grant dollars to support local coalitions in Haverhill and the Mascoma region, the Building Community Resilience Project provided technical assistance and training in critical areas such as mental health and chronic disease management

Natural Resources

  • Based on an increase in land sales and inquiries from realtors, developed Timber Valuation for Realtors program to represent value of forested land more accurately during real estate transactions


  • 295 volunteers
  • 17,402 hours
  • $535K value of volunteer time (State Values of Volunteer Time (NH): $30.75; independentsector.org/)

Download Hillsborough Highlights

Hillsborough Contributions: $418,260

State Contributions: $775,657

In 2022, for every $1.00 that Hillsborough contributed, UNH provided $1.96 of statewide resources.

Program Spotlight: To address management of invasive plant species, Extension developed online and in-person programs and a digital field guide “Prohibited Invasive Plant Species in NH.” This multi-pronged approach to education is helping the community manage invasive species, which have ecological and economic consequences in New Hampshire landscapes.


“I feel that UNH Extension is making my county a better place to live because all the help I’ve received, especially from specialist Jonathan Ebba, has been par- amount to me starting my large flower farm. I don’t feel as though I would be this far along in my farming journey without Extension’s help. All the advice – whether through visits, emails or phone calls – has been a Godsend. I am always blown away with how quickly I receive responses to my questions. I feel very supported by UNH Extension and have learned so much in a short amount of time. UNH Extension is the backbone to my farming operation.”

-Krista Gardent, Gardent Farms, Milford

"Serving on the Advisory Council has given me insight into the breadth and depth of Extension’s reach – from bringing diverse
residents together in the community gar
den at Manchester Community College to providing recent immigrants assistance with settling into new surroundings. Take these programs away and Hillsborough County communities and nonprofits would not be as strong, resilient or financially stable. As a former CEO of a N.H. nonprofit for twenty years, I am in awe of the critical, diverse expertise and support UNH Extension brings to this state.”

-Susan Strickler, Extension Volunteer & Advisory Council Member, Manchester

“UNH Extension serves the county from a multipurpose perspective – teaching teachers, students, families and other community members about nutrition and a healthy environment. This can change lives! Specialists support community organizations by demonstrating to populations with limited financial resources how to purchase and prepare affordable, nutritious meals. Extension’s staff is exceptional and will go above and beyond to serve their community.”

-Susan Sheehy, RDN, LD, Dietitian Consultant, Manchester School District

Community and Economic Development

  • 60 community members collaborated with Extension specialists to implement a business retention and engagement strategy for the Pinardville neighborhood at the request of the Goffstown Economic Development Committee

Education and 4-H Youth Development

  • 34% increase of youth participation in 4-H programs Extension presented new and unique positive youth development programs at community events, 4-H club meetings, the county fair, farmers’ markets, schools and the UNH STEM Discovery Lab at UNH Manchester

Food and Agriculture

  • Extension trained farmers and landscapers seeking state licensure in pesticide safety practices that minimize risk to human health and the environment

Health and Well-Being

  • 1500 county residents were educated in healthy lifestyle choices. 96% reported improvement in their diets, particularly in fruit and vegetable consumption
  • Estimated $10.64 saved in downstream healthcare costs for every $1 spent to implement the program (based on cost-effectiveness study in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior)

Natural Resources

  • 1146 professionals, conservation volunteers and landowners were educated in management of invasive plant species 926 people viewed Extension’s invasive plants segment on NH Woods and Wildlife Facebook Live


  • 530 volunteers
  • 29,904 hours
  • $919K value of volunteer time (State Values of Volunteer Time (NH): $30.75; independentsector.org/)

Download Merrimack County Highlights (PDF)

Merrimack Contributions: $403,462

UNH Contributions: $716,855

In 2022, for every $1 Merrimack County contributed, UNH provided $1.78 of statewide resources.

Program Spotlight: To address the impacts of chronic disease and opioid misuse, Extension is providing education and support through an evidence-based self-management program. Six months after completing the program, 91% of participants reported a decrease in pain
interfering with their daily lives. Long-term research suggests these results lead to reduced
dependency and visits to emergency departments. Instruction is designed to give participants the skills, tools and confidence needed to help take control of chronic conditions and live life to the fullest.


“Being able to build relationships and create connections is one of the greatest things that Extension can continue to do. Extension offers such a wide range of programs at every single age level. They support children with healthy eating, connect with schools and help families experiencing poverty through affordable recipes and Nutrition Connections. There are so many programs now being offered to help keep your mind and body healthy through nutrition and physical movement.”

-Anya Twarog, Advisory Council Member, Franklin

“I worked for the New Hampshire Farm Bureau for 10 years and we collaborated a lot with Extension. I look to Extension all the time for my flower business—whether it’s for online blogs written by staff or watching Grow It Green on WMUR, and I always try to spread the word to others about this great organization that provides practical research-based information. There is always something new coming down the pipeline and Extension can provide us with the latest research and let us know what works and what doesn’t work.”

-Donna Miller, Petals in the Pines, Master Gardener, Natural Resources Steward, 4-H Volunteer, Canterbury

“UNH Extension was a catalyst that led to many of the investments that we have seen in Franklin, including $75 million in new investments in revitalizing the downtown corridor. The grant that UNH collaborated on with Franklin seven years ago led to a vision for a vibrant future of the city. It came at a time when Franklin’s future outlook was not positive. Improvements include new and diverse housing, revitalization of dilapidated mill buildings, a major kayak park and new businesses including an outdoor outfitter.”

-Jo Brown, Mayor, Franklin

Community and Economic Development

  • Launched Downtown and Trails program in Hopkinton, with a focus on Contoocook Village to help the town leverage its trails and natural amenities to enhance tourism, support businesses and grow the local economy

Education and 4-H Youth Development

  • 4-H curriculum “Tapping into the Tradition: Maple Sugaring” adopted by schools in Webster and Salisbury, helping teachers gain confidence in agricultural science and engaging families outside of school

Food and Agriculture

  • Applied research in pest management resulted in significant reduction of pesticide applications at local apple orchards

Health and Well-Being

  • 91% of participants of the chronic disease and opioid misuse education program reported a decrease in pain interfering with their daily lives

Natural Resources

  • Collaborated with The American Chestnut Foundation to save the American chestnut, a valuable yet threatened native species, by documenting breeding populations in Boscawen and Concord and collecting seed sources


  • 400 volunteers
  • 28,040 hours
  • $862K value of volunteer time (State Values of Volunteer Time (NH): $30.75; independentsector.org/)

Download Rockingham County Highlights (PDF)

Rockingham Contributions: $414,973

State Contributions: $651,874

In 2021, for every $1.00 that Rockingham contributed, UNH provided $1.57 of statewide resources.

Program Spotlight: Extension Foresters frequently establish long-lasting relationships with clients. Third-generation owners of an 80-acre woodlot reached out to Extension for help re-measuring a white pine growth and yield plot initially established 58 years earlier. First measured by an Extension Forester in 1963, the plot has been re-measured by Extension in 1965, 1967, 1985, 1992, 2012 and 2021. The landowners take great pride in maintaining the plot and are using the growth study to interest a fourth generation of landowners who they hope will be the future stewards of the land.


“The reach of Extension is amazing to me – from forest management to food health to garden education to ocean education. From a volunteer perspective, there is simply something for everyone. Froman end user’s perspective, there are so many valuable resources at their disposal. I have been involved with the Master Gardener program for just under ten years; it has provided great opportunities to work with fascinating people from all backgrounds while serving and educating people young and old. It has truly been the most rewarding period of my life.”

-Terry Cook, Master Gardener, Newfields

“UNH Extension has resources that I grav
itate towards. One is stewarding our natural resources and the other is helping farmers. I think Extension can help the county plan for age-friendly communities. Focusing on the social well-being of our senior citizens and aging population is important.”

-Leanne Miner, Flying M Farm, Fremont

“I remember observing how Extension staff helped my parents in the home and on the farm. I could not wait to be old enough to join the local 4-H club. Thanks to well-prepared volunteers and staff, I excelled with various projects and in leadership development. Extension has changed over the years to meet ever-changing societal needs. But the same philosophy and values that I experienced as a child continue today. Extension’s staff recently provided excellent instruction at RiverWoods with raised garden beds and and with a timber stand improvement educational demonstration and research project.”

-Richard Barker, RiverWoods Continuing Care Retirement Community, Exeter

Education and 4-H Youth Development

  • 200 youth joined 4-H following a marketing campaign to boost enrollment
  • Created new opportunities in teen leadership, STEM and outdoor education
  • Fostered new partnerships with local businesses such as the Port City Makerspace

Food and Agriculture

  • Trained livestock producers in food safety, qualifying them for certification to sell meat to local

Health and Well-Being

  • 91% of participants of the chronic disease and opioid misuse education program reported a decrease in pain interfering with their daily lives

Natural Resources

  • Extension helped RiverWoods Exeter Retirement Community protect 100 acres of forest through a permanent easement 20 years ago. Recently, Extension conducted a demonstration tree harvest on site to show how timber management can create economic
    value while maintaining the quality of the forest for
    recreational, wildlife and aesthetic benefits. Tours and presentations reached 111 people, encouraging others to consider the benefits of land conservation and forest stewardship


  • 1,130 volunteers
  • 32,431 hours
  • $997K value of volunteer time (State Values of Volunteer Time (NH): $30.75; independentsector.org/)

Download Strafford County Highlights (PDF)

Strafford County Contributions: $167,218

UNH Contributions: $424,397

In 2022, for every $1.00 that Strafford contributed, UNH provided $2.54 of statewide resources.

Program Spotlight: Extension supported the region’s horticulture industry by developing educational resources like fertilizer calculators and videos on high tunnel construction, and by writing articles, teaching numerous workshops, doing personal consultations and appearing on WMUR’s Grow it Green segments. Extension also trained members of N.H.’s incarcerated population to work in greenhouse plant production, providing skills that will help people qualify for jobs. Youth and community volunteers learned horticultural techniques in hands-on classes taught by Extension.


“UNH Extension provides the community resources to maintain the health and well-being of residents and our natural resources. The expertise of specialists and volunteers makes our county a better place to live and run a business. We have accessed expertise from Extension specialists and programs over the years. The support of Extension has provided our business with knowledge to help us produce a better greenhouse product and strengthen our business practices. Strafford County, and particularly Rochester, residents would benefit from additional access to locally produced food and food products.”

-Jeffrey & Molly Meulenbroek, Studley Flower Gardens, Rochester

“Extension contributes to our county in
many ways by providing hands-on technical assistance for farmers and business owners and offering engaging community education opportunities for the public. The tools and resources provided by Extension are developed with New Hampshire communities in mind. Extension understands the socio-economic landscape of our communities and tailors assistance to business owners with that knowledge, making it more likely for businesses to succeed."

-Jennifer Wilhelm, Fat Peach Farm, Madbury

“Since grammar school, I’ve been aware of Extension as several friends participated in 4-H. Once I became an adult, a UNH friend went to work for Extension upon graduation, and I was exposed to all UNH Extension had to offer the citizens of NH. As an Extension volunteer since 2003, I have had numerous opportunities to participate in a myriad of activities and outreach opportunities and always walk away from those encounters with a positive feeling and increased knowledge that enhances my personal, professional and volunteer life.”

-Elizabeth Fischer, Marine Docent, Master Gardener, Natural Resource Steward, Dover

Community and Economic Development

  • Partnered with NH Small Business Development Center to develop Small Business and Community Resilience Academy, which has served small businesses, community leaders, nonprofits and volunteers throughout the state

Education and 4-H Youth Development

  • Provided positive 4-H youth development support to Dover Middle School through curriculum and training for a 6th and 7th grade babysitting course, instilling students with the ability to confidently watch family members or babysit as an after-school job

Food and Agriculture

  • 925 high school students received hands-on learning experiences in horticulture to support workforce development within an industry that has been struggling to find skilled employees
  • Health and Well-Being

  • Leveraged staff expertise and UNH student resources to reach vulnerable residents at risk for chronic disease UNH nursing students provided preventative blood screenings and Extension helped lead the development of the Strafford Public Health Network Community Health Improvement Plan

Natural Resources

  • Published Prospective Buyers Guide for people looking to purchase land in New Hampshire Developed hands-on training for women in tractor logging and winter tree identification


  • 621 volunteers
  • 16,316 hours
  • $502K value of volunteer time (State Values of Volunteer Time (NH): $30.75; iindependentsector.org/)

Download Sullivan County Highlights (PDF)

Sullivan Contributions: $285,706

UNH Contributions: $527,876

In 2022, for every $1 Sullivan County contributed, UNH provided $1.85 of statewide resources.

Program Spotlights: Along with an incredible 138% increase in 4-H enrollment in 2022, Sullivan County welcomed new 4-H volunteers including student assistance program staff, an art teacher, two family community coordinators, a school social worker, parent volunteers and a foster grandparent. Food and agriculture specialists supported 27 farmers with new pest management techniques including insect exclusion netting to reduce sprays, weather station data to inform the timing of pest/disease controls and soil moisture probes to guide irrigation. Extension staff procured over $10,150 in funds to cover those training costs.


“As farmers, the work that Extension has
pivoted into, like farmer mental health, has been beneficial. People are starting to pay attention to the stresses and the unknowns of farming and the toll that can take on farmers and farm owners. It is not just physical health that is an issue, it is money, mental health and so on. Extension has had outreach to ensure that people know that there is help there for them. We have been part of the financial benchmarking pilot the last four years and it has improved us as a farm.”

-Ray Sprague, Edgewater Farm, Plainfield

“The biggest thing that UNH Extension does for farmers is they make life easier. UNH Extension has extensive resources that we can tap into, which is a huge benefit, especially as farms are transitioning or trying to stay afloat or figuring out how to be viable in today’s economy. We rely on UNH Extension and the staff to help continue to adapt as agriculture continues to change in our society. Their ability to give us ideas and provide different perspectives allows us as a business to pivot and sustain as we continue to grow.”

-Liz McNamara, McNamara Dairy, Plainfield

“My first contact with Extension was through Dode Gladders, the county forester. I see that as a very important aspect because he comes out and advises land-owners as to what they can do. In my case, that meant putting together a forest management plan and starting a tree farm. The work Extension does with farmers in the area, especially blueberry farmers, has been outstanding. Extension’s economic development work is going to show improvement for tourism and businesses in Sullivan County.”

-Russell Edwards, Outgoing Chair, Advisory Council

Community and Economic Development

  • With support from a USDA grant, Extension is working with community members on projects that build the region’s outdoor recreation economy

Education 4-H Youth Development

  • 138% increase in 4-H enrollment with greatest increase in New- port and Grantham where after-school staff were screened as 4-H volunteers and at-risk youth were provided with a safe place for meaningful activities like cooking, art, sewing and community service

Food and Agriculture

  • $1M Extension is leading five local farm families through the complexities of transferring their businesses to the next generation. This work impacts 84 jobs with a combined payroll of $1 million and keeps 2,365 acres of land in production.
  • 54K procured in grants for services for local farmers

Natural Resources

  • $491K future value of improved acreage
  • Consulted with 194 landowners who manage 10,229 acres
  • 1,639 additional acres managed with forest stewardship plans
  • $191,000 in additional forest product and tax revenue

Health and Well-Being

  • 75 professionals trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid®, including 18 school bus drivers
  • 96% of these program participants reported an increased ability to respond to serious behavioral health issues such as substance use and suicidal thoughts


  • 137 volunteers
  • 10,731 hours
  • $330K value of volunteer time (State Values of Volunteer Time (NH): $30.75; independentsector.org/)
