FY23 4-H Foundation Pathway Funding Application

The grant application is now open for Fiscal Year 2023.





The 4-H Foundation of New Hampshire funds projects and activities that enhance opportunities available to 4-H members and leaders, increases public awareness of the broad scope of the New Hampshire 4-H youth development program, aids in the recruitment of new audiences that may become engaged in the 4-H youth development program, and supports the integration of the 4-H youth development program with the resources available at UNH.

Funds are made possible by unrestricted and designated gifts and endowment income. This application is for programs, events, and activities held between July 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022.

Your application may be shared with potential donors to help secure necessary funding. All foundation board members are not familiar with all aspects of the 4-H youth development program.  Your program description helps board members explain project needs to potential donors.


Please send completed form by email ONLY to Avery Adam at avery.adam@unh.edu

Deadline for grant requests is noon April 22, 2022.













The University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. University of New Hampshire, U.S. Department of Agriculture and N.H. counties cooperating. January/2021



Former Executive Director, 4-H Foundation of New Hampshire