4-H Science Bonanza - How to watch the 2020 Geminid Meteor Shower and Capture Your Own Geminids with Your Camera

In this workshop participants will learn the difference between meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites. We will discuss why we see meteor showers at different times of the year and how to see the greatest number of meteors wherever you live. We will also delve into the "dark" art of astrophotography - taking your own images of these fleeting sparks of light in the nighttime sky. We'll start with constructing an Astronomer's Flashlight and then learn why one is absolutely necessary when you go out to stalk your Geminid meteors. This is a fun, informal session designed for astronomers of all ages.  Parents are welcome but must be accompanied by at least one budding astronomer!

Instructor: John Gianforte

Date & Time: December 12 at 10:45

Ages:  Families with youth 5 and up.

Materials needed: A small inexpensive flashlight, an 8-inch X 10-inch sheet or a part of a roll of red cellophane (Michaels has this), a few small rubber bands, a pair of scissors and fresh batteries. 

If parents or students wish to learn about photographing meteors, they can have their DSLR cameras with them, which may make this demonstration more useful. Your camera must have adjustable exposure time and f/stop settings.

To learn more and register for this workshop visit the 4-H Science Bonanza Registration Page


Director, UNH Observatory, Extension Associate Professor/Space Science Education/Youth & Family State Specialist
Associate State Specialist Professor, Space Science Ed
Phone: (603) 862-2829
Office: UNH Cooperative Extension, Demeritt Hall, 227, Durham, NH 03824