Field Guide: Common seaweeds on New Hampshire shores

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This field guide features names and images for identifying common seaweeds on New Hampshire shores.

Common Seaweeds Seasonality and intertidal location

Table of NH common seaweed seasonality and location

Foraging Tips

  • When foraging seaweeds for personal use, be aware of pertinent state regulations, do your research and use common sense when looking for safe, clean sites to harvest.
  • Harvest each organism in a way that allows it to regenerate and reproduce. Do not pull seaweeds or damage or remove them by their holdfast. Never harvest more than 25 percent of the seaweed in a stand. Depending on the species of seaweed you are harvesting, only cut the tips.
  • Look for fresh, healthy, "floating" seaweeds, as these are easier to collect and still edible
  • Do not go to the same harvesting site repeatedly; give the site time to recover.

Always use what you collect

Never collect more than you can use.


For information on foraging workshops, visit


Aquaculture and Fisheries State Specialist
Extension State Specialist, Aquaculture & Fisheries
Phone: (603) 862-2033
Office: Natural Resources & the Environment, Morse Hall Rm 116, Durham, NH 03824