GIS 101: Learning to Map in the Digital Age [online workshop]

GIS 101 - Learning to Map in the Digital Age workshop

Workshop summary   Learn the basics of Geographic Informations System (GIS) and start making your own maps! This course will help you use GIS software to make maps in your community and beyond. Participants will gain insight into GIS software and explore a variety of free, relatively easy-to-use GIS programs. Useful as a comfortable first step for people with no GIS experience, as well as, for relatively new GIS users looking for more information.

This workshop involves online mapping
This workshop involves desktop mapping
This workshop is offered remotely
This workshop is a half-day in length
This workshop is appropriate for novice users

Participants will learn   the basic terminology of GIS   |   the steps required in a GIS mapping project   |   how to choose a GIS software   |   how to create and share basic online maps   |  how to add GIS data layers to maps

Software discussed   GRANITView  |  ArcGIS Online  |  ArcGIS Desktop  | QGIS  |  gvSIG 

Length   9am to noon

Dates    January 4, 2024  |  February 20, 2024  |  May 7, 2023  |  new dates coming soon...

Format  REMOTE - students attend via Zoom

Cost    $99 standard |  $59 reduced

Cost note   reduced rate applies to educational, non-profit, and governmental participants

Contact   content - email Shane Bradt or call (603) 862-4277  |  logistics - email Jen Adie  or call (603) 862-1029



Suggested background 



Suggested next steps 

Getting to Know ArcGIS Online map

Getting to Know ArcGIS Online





Introduction to ArcGIS Pro

Introduction to ArcGIS Pro






Extension Professor, Biological Sciences
Extension Professor, Geography
Full Extension State Specialist Professor
Phone: 603-862-4277
Office: Cooperative Extension, Nesmith Hall Room 319, Durham, NH 03824