Pictures and Descriptions of Marked Trees

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Examples include: 

Harvest Tree: The blue slash at eye level tells the logger that this tree should be harvested for lumber. The blue dot at the base of the tree will remain on the stump as an indication that this tree was indeed marked by the forester for harvest.

Trail: This tree is marked for harvest, but also shows the logger where to locate the skidder trail for dragging out the logs. An arrow pointing to the left means the trail should veer to the left ahead, a vertical arrow shows the trail goes straight, and an arrow pointing to the right means the trail should veer to the right ahead.

Bumper Tree: Two blue slashes at eye level tells the logger to leave this tree until the end of the harvest. It is at a bend in the trail and will protect the trees behind it from being hit by logs as they are dragged out of the woods by the skidder.

Logger's Choice: The “X” painted at eye level marks a tree of very little value for lumber. The logger has the choice of harvesting the tree to get the few straight logs available, ore else kill the tree as it stands by cutting around the trunk with a chainsaw, providing a benefit to insect eating birds as the tree decomposes. In any case, the tree will not improve in quality no matter how large it gets, and should be killed or removed to make way for new seedlings with better potential.

Stop Cutting: Three blue slashes at eye level tells the logger to cut this tree, but go no further. It could be near a property line, stream, road or other management area.

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