
Resource Category Topic Type
Poultry Health & Management for the Small Flock
Whether for eggs or for meat, in order to have success with your small or large poultry flock, you need to make sure you start and end with a healthy…
Agriculture & Gardens, Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Brooding and Caring for Chicks
Starting your chicks Raising a flock of chickens for home meat or egg production can be an easy and rewarding experience. Before you jump into…
Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
The Good Neighbor Guide to Keeping Horses
Carefully-collected animal manure was once the main source of nutrients for crop production. Today, horse owners with one or more animals often don’t…
Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Pruning Tomato Plants [fact sheet]
Why prune tomatoes? Pruning, or selectively removing some of the tomato plant growth, can improve harvestable yields and prolong the harvest…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Yard & Garden vegetable crops Fact Sheet
Growing Fruits: Care of Mature Backyard Apple Trees [fact sheet]
Backyard apple trees can be valued additions to the home garden, offering fresh, flavorful and healthful fruit,
Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Identifying Trees and Shrubs in New Hampshire
Our latest count shows 86 native tree species in New Hampshire. The exact number is hard to determine because some are rare, some are mostly found as…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources, Yard & Garden Natural Resources
Planting and Mulching Trees and Shrubs [fact sheet]
Selecting healthy plants Take a step back to examine the plant’s overall structure. Shrubs should have several stems coming from the base of the…
Agriculture & Gardens, Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Large Tree Pruning and Care
Recommendations for caring for large trees with storm damage. (Adapted from the Nebraska Forest Service with permission).
Yard & Garden, Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Wildflower Meadows - Plant Selection and Establishment
  Why Wildflower Meadows? They are beautiful and tie your landscape in to the surrounding environment. Adding even a small area of native…
Agriculture & Gardens, Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Yard & Garden
Seasonal Insect Invaders in New Hampshire Homes [fact sheet]
Introduction Several species of insects invade our homes in fall and remain through winter, often hidden inside walls. When temperatures rise in…
Agriculture & Gardens, Insect Identification Services, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Swine Nutrition
General Considerations Factors Affecting Feeding Performance Genetics Feed efficiency in swine is about 35% inherited, and 30% growth…
Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Kitchen Pests [fact sheet]
Our kitchens contain an array of stored food items that serve as welcoming habitats for many insect pests, commonly referred to as “pantry” or “…
Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Agriculture & Gardens, Insect Identification Services, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Integrated Landscaping: Following Nature's Lead [book]
This book offers a new way of thinking about shaping home grounds and public spaces in the Northeast.   Lavishly illustrated, Integrated Landscaping…
Agriculture & Gardens, Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Yard & Garden, Natural Resources, Natural Resources Stewards Agriculture & Gardens
Identifying Productive Laying Hens [video]
Make sure that all of your hens are earning their keep. This video will give you tips to identifying which chickens are in good laying condition…
Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Growing Fruits: Growing Pears in the Home Orchard [fact sheet]
Pears will grow well in all but the coldest areas of New Hampshire. Popular varieties such as Bartlett and Bosc are reasonably winter hardy where…
Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Nuisance Wildlife In & Around the Home
A woodchuck mows down an entire row of new cabbage transplants... A porcupine is destroying a hedge of hemlocks... Flying squirrels are keeping…
Wildlife, Natural Resources, Yard & Garden Natural Resources
Tarnished Plant Bug [fact sheet]
Among the several species of plant bugs that invade New Hampshire fruit, vegetable, and ornamental crops, the one that does the most damage is the…
Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Pesticide Safety Education, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Growing Vegetables: When to Plant Your Vegetable Garden [fact sheet]
The information below, and in a printable table, will help you to determine the best time to start your seeds. You must first, determine the last…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Blueberry Varieties for New Hampshire [fact sheet]
The printable version of 'Blueberry Varieties for New Hampshire' available for download contains a list that was developed to help New…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Yard & Garden Berry Crops Fact Sheet
Raising Broilers
Broilers are hybrid chickens bred for fast growth and finish. Typically raised to about 5 pounds, they are usually processed between 7 and 9 weeks of…
Agriculture & Gardens, Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens