
UNH Extension

Making life better in New Hampshire

Purple lilacs


Featured Articles

IPM Reporting 24/7
Up to date information on fruit pest status in New Hapshire Learn More
Have you ever been to visit your healthcare provider and you left with unanswered questions or no real follow up? Perhaps you asked a question about a... Learn More
Question of the Week
The dandelion, often seen as a weed, is gaining recognition as a spring food source for pollinators. While dandelions provide nectar, they are not the... Learn More
How We can Help You
  • woman talking on the phone, for context with the UNH Infoline

    We Help Homeowners

    Friendly and knowledgeable Master Gardener and Natural Resource Steward volunteers and staff answer your questions on topics like gardening, pests, landscaping, lawn care, safe food handling, wildlife and backyard livestock.

    Phone : 1.877.398.4769
    Learn More

  • forester examining a white pine
    We Help Landowners 

    We visit your property, free of charge and help you achieve your woodlot objectives including forestry, recreation, wildlife habitat, water resources, scenic beauty and income.  Learn More

  • group of children outdoors
    We Help Youth

    The 4-H program provides pathways for learning and growing.

    Learn More

  • a woman facilitating a meeting
    We Help Communities

    Our Community & Economic Development team have many resources to help municipalities and civic organizations plan for the future. Learn More 

Extension By The Numbers



Volunteer hours

$5.8 Million

value of Volunteer hours



Acres Improved