IPM for Vegetable & Fruit Crops

Those who grow crops in the Brassica family are likely familiar with the cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae, sometimes referred to by growers as&nbs... Learn More
Growers meeting at Brookdale Fruit Farm scheduled for June 7
Growers meeting at Brookdale Fruit Farm scheduled for June 7 Learn More
This may be the most common question I receive about spinach production: What are the little white spheres that I’m seeing on the leaves? They rub off... Learn More
In the last few years, New Hampshire growers have experienced some significant leafminer infestations on spinach, swiss chard and beet. The beet leafm... Learn More
Do you grow broccoli, kale, and other cruciferous (cole) vegetable crops on your farm? Are you familiar with swede midge, a new invasive pest? If s... Learn More
Scale insects can be incredibly frustrating and difficult to manage. They are immobile for most of their life cycle and often avoid detection when the... Learn More
The 2017 New England Vegetable & Fruit Conference and Trade Show took place between December 12-14, 2017 in Manchester, NH. It was organized over ... Learn More
The 2018 meeting of the NH Vegetable and Berry Growers' Association was co-sponsored by UNH Cooperative Extension, and took place in Manchester d... Learn More
Swede midge (Contarinia nasturtii) is a serious invasive pest of Brassica crops, including broccoli, cabbage and kale. S... Learn More