Growing Corn: As Fresh as it Gets


NH Audubon's Massabesic Center
26 Audubon Way
Auburn, NH 03032
United States

The arrival of local sweet corn in the summer is an event many look forward to. Why not grow your own for even more freshness and variety? This workshop will explore selecting varieties, determining where and how to plant and maintain a healthy crop and how to address pests and problems. As a bonus, we’ll also discuss growing and processing “dry” corn for cornmeal, flour and popcorn. Weather permitting we’ll have a hands-on planting opportunity.

Presenter: Will Lowenthal is a Extension Master Gardener Volunteer with extensive knowledge of various vegetable gardening practices.


$10 for NH Audubon members/Extension Master Gardeners

$15 for non-members

Registration Required by: June 5

For reasonable accommodation requests, please contact Massabesic Center Director, Kimmie Whiteman, at

This program is brought to you through an on-going partnership between New Hampshire Audubon and University of New Hampshire Extension’s Master Gardener Program. The Demonstration Gardens at NH Audubon’s Massabesic Center provide a place for sharing best practices in eco-friendly home and community gardening, which enhance human health and well-being and wildlife habitat.