Cardigan Mountain Bobcats 4-H Clubhouse
297 US Route 4
Canaan, NH 03741
United States
(Program for Youth)
Come and build a Bad Robot and enter it in our Bad Robot face off. We will make robots from small motors, recycled items and craft supplies and then we will pit our robots against all challengers at a Robot face off where you will need to push your opponent's robot out of the ring. The key to building a Bad Robot is to not make a good robot. They can be simple, sloppy and built rather quickly, and they do not need to work perfectly. Awards will recognize all aspects of robot building, not just those who push other bots out of the ring.
This event will be run by Claes Thelemarck, Science Education Field Specialist.
No experience necessary.
Supplies will be provided.

Contact Donna Lee, 4-H Program Manager, regarding questions about this event, 603-787-6944,