Bee Our Guest: Gardening for Pollinators


NH Audubon's Massabesic Center
26 Audubon Way
Auburn, NH 03032
United States

  • Butterfly on flowers

Let’s transform our yards and gardens into bountiful, beautiful habitats that not only appeal to our aesthetics, but to our pollinator pals as well. We’ll start by highlighting some of our lesser-known native pollinators before exploring a variety of tips and tricks to both invite them and support them in our own yards and gardens. Participants will also learn about the role NH Audubon and UNH Extension play in pollinator conservation and habitat promotion across the state when we conclude our program with a garden walk highlighting the native plants at the Massabesic Center. 

Presented by: Willa Coroka, NH Audubon Educator and UNH Extension Master Gardeners


$10 for NH Audubon members/Extension Master Gardeners

$15 for non-members

Registration Required by July 22

Logistics (inside/outside, what to bring): A portion of this workshop will be outside, please come prepared with sunscreen, a hat and a water bottle.

For reasonable accommodation requests, please contact Massabesic Center Director, Kimmie Whiteman, at

This program is brought to you through an on-going partnership between the University of New Hampshire Extension’s Master Gardener Program and New Hampshire Audubon. The Demonstration Gardens at NH Audubon’s Massabesic Center provide a place for sharing best practices in eco-friendly home and community gardening, which enhance human health and well-being and wildlife habitat.