2024 NH Tree Farm Field Day - Recognizing this Years’ NH Outstanding Tree Farmers of the Year: Phil Primack


Eli's Woods
Epping, NH 03042
United States

Join us to tour Eli’s Woods, the 100+ acre Tree Farm in Epping, NH, that Phil Primack has been stewarding for nearly
50 years. This well-managed property has developed as a “multi-aged” forest, with commercial harvests followed by timber stand improvement to liberate white pine and oak saplings. Phil is always happy to show visitors nice stands of timber and regeneration, along with “Super Tree,” New Hampshire’s state champion black birch, which will be officially remeasured as part of Tree Farm Field Day. The property also features wildlife openings to encourage an active beaver presence and walking trails along the Pawtuckaway River. By gifting a Life Estate to the Southeast Land Trust of New Hampshire, Phil has ensured that exceptional management of Eli’s Woods will continue “long after I am compost.”

Cost - Adults: $25/person; Children under 18: $5/person


8:00 AM - Registration Begins
Check out co-sponsor displays, Tree Farm auction, raffle and merchandise.

8:45 -10:15 AM: Concurrent Tours
North Tour and South Tour

10:30 -12:00 PM: Concurrent Tours

12:00-2:00 PM: Lunch
Chicken barbeque and pig roast, Awards, Raffle and Silent Auction

2:15 PM: Tour of Abenaki Timber
Premium kiln-dried hardwood lumber

Co-sponsored by: The NH Tree Farm ProgramNH Timberland Owners Association (NHTOA), Society of American Foresters-Granite State Division, NH Division of Forests & Lands, Society for the Protection of NH Forests (SPNHF)