Getting to Know Your Land


Society for the Protection of NH Forests
54 Portsmouth Street
Concord, NH 03301
United States

Woodlots, large and small, can support our wildlife, protect water quality, generate firewood and other forest products, and provide recreation and enjoyment. Whether you are interested in adding some native plants to your yard, enhancing habitat for birds, selling some timber, assessing the health of your trees, cutting trees for firewood, or just getting to know what is on your property this session can help you.

We will be talking about identifying your goals, mapping and assessing the resources on your property, and prioritizing some activities to help you work toward your goals.

We will help you identify what is important to you about your land and begin collecting information about what is currently there and explore how your property fits into the broader landscape.

We’ll provide resources to help you get started mapping your property, identifying actions you can take to help you meet your goals, and setting reasonable expectations. And we will also talk about resource professionals who can help you plan and implement actions on your property.

Instructors: Wendy Scribner, Carroll County Forester, UNH Cooperative Extension; Cheri Birch, Program Director, NHTOA

Cost:   NHTOA Member: $20 per participant
               Non-member: $35 per participant

Registration is required. Classes fill up quickly. A fee is charged for this program to cover costs. A limited number of scholarships are available to individuals unable to pay.

Co-sponsored by: NH Timberland Owners Association (NHTOA)