Fox Forest - Henry I. Baldwin Forestry Education Center
309 Center Road
Hillsborough, NH 03244
United States
This workshop will cover the ecology of American Beech and its role in the northeastern forest. Speakers will cover the current status of beech, issues impacting beech health, and management techniques. Beech bark disease and beech leaf disease will be the main focus of the day and will include presentations on each disease along with examples in the field and management options.
Cost: $20 per person (lunch provided); Registration is Required
Credits: SAF Category 1 – 5.0 CFEs available;
NH Pesticide Credits - 5.5 available
8:00 AM - Arrival and registration, coffee and light refreshments.
8:30 AM - Opening remarks. Inge Seaboyer.
8:40 AM – Beech silvics and an introduction to management techniques. Ben Farina.
9:05 AM – Beech ecology and wildlife dynamics.
9:30 AM – Beech bark disease and an overview of historic research. Jeff Garnas.
9:55 AM – Beech leaf disease as an emerging threat to forest health. Cameron McIntire.
10:20 AM – Coffee break.
10:30 AM – Chemical treatment demonstrations for beech leaf disease. Jake Zack.
11:30 AM – Lunch (provided)
12:30 PM – Field tour to stands infected with BBD and BLD. Cameron McIntire & Jeff Garnas.
2:00 PM – Field tour to view beech management prescriptions. Inge Seaboyer & Ben Farina.
3:30 PM – Carpool back to Baldwin Center, adjourn.
Kyle Lombard, Forest Health Specialist, NH Division of Forests and Lands.
Ben Farina, Silviculturist, US Forest Service White Mountain National Forest.
Jeff Garnas, Professor, Dept. of Natural Resources, University of New Hampshire
Cameron McIntire, Plant Pathologist, US Forest Service Forest Health Protection
Jake Zack, Lab Extension Specialist, Bartlett Tree Experts
Inge Seaboyer, Forester, NH Division of Forests and Lands
Steven Roberge