Developing an Integrated Statewide Strategy for Digital Skill Development for all Granite Staters

Online Only

Join us for an engaging and interactive webinar focused on tackling the critical challenge of providing sustained, personalized tech support and digital skill training to Granite Staters of all ages. As New Hampshire expands broadband and device access, we must ensure that individuals can fully and safely leverage these opportunities. Participants will examine how federal digital equity funding can help—but won’t fully address—the need for digital navigators, literacy training, and cyber-safety education. Together, we’ll explore strategies to build a long-term, statewide network of allies committed to supporting diverse learners. This session is designed for educators (K-12, adult, afterschool, and post-secondary), as well as workforce development staff, healthcare navigators, public librarians, bank staff, volunteers, and tech-savvy retirees.

Moderator: Robert McLaughlin, National Collaborative for Digital Equity

Panelists include:
Melanie Plenda, Granite State News Collaborative
Stephanie Turek, Granite United Way 211 (invited)
Jenelle Leonard, National Collaborative for Digital Equity

This webinar is a partnership of UNH Extension and the National Collaboration on Digital Equity.

UNH Extension and National Collaboration for Digital Equity logos