Farm Scale Clinic 2025 in Sullivan County


UNH Extension Sullivan County Office
24 Main Street
Newport, NH 03773
United States

The New Hampshire Division of Weights and Measures will be hosting 14 Scale Clinics at 11 locations throughout the state in 2025. UNH Extension Sullivan County will be one of the scale clinic venues at 24 Main Street, Newport, NH.

All scale clinics are by appointment only to better allocate staffing and equipment needs. Please call (603) 271-2894 to schedule an appointment and have your account number handy.

This event is intended for businesses that grow and sell their own agricultural products.

Please ensure that all power cables and accessories (including
scale feet, power supply, platters and stanchions, etc.) are brought to the clinic. Scales must be CLEAN and usable condition before being tested and certified.

Please have your account number and check or cash if a license fee is due. Payment by credit/debit card is not accepted at this time.

If somebody is bringing the scale in lieu of yourself, please equip them with your account number and check or cash if a license fee is due.

If you are unable to attend the scale clinic on April 2nd, the NH Division of Weights and Measures is hosting additional scale clinics in different locations on alternative dates.

Should you require accommodations to attend this event location, please connect with Gail McWilliam Jellie at or 603-863-9200.

Please contact the department of Weights and Measures at (603) 271-2894.

A picture of different weights and a scale.
  • Please call 603-271-2894 to make an appointment.