The Importance of our Forests and Why Forestry Matters [Part of the Sense of Place Workshop Series]


Tuckerman Brewing Company
66 Hobbs Street
Conway, NH 03818
United States

New Hampshire is the 2nd most forested state in the country. Whether or not we are aware of it, forests provide a wide range of values and impact our lives on a daily basis. Protecting, conserving, and stewarding our forests allows all of us to enjoy these values in different ways. Join us for a lively discussion with a panel of foresters, landowners, and ecologists to hear their thoughts on our forests, and why the practice of forestry is an important part of protecting, conserving, and stewarding the forest and the values we care so much about.

Registration is optional and the event is free.

Sense of Place is a collective of partners whose mission is to connect the public to their natural resources through place based community forums and outdoor field experiences. Learn more about this program and see other upcoming events on the following website: