Lancaster Fairgrounds
Route 3
Lancaster, NH 03584
United States
Registration Deadline - Wednesday, April 23, 2025
Poster, Photo and Textile Entries - must be in the Coös County UNH Extension office, Lancaster, by Monday, April 28, 2025.
In-Person Judging - Saturday, May 10, 2025. Judging will begin at 1:00pm (After the Spring into 4-H Event).
This event is designed to provide our 4-H Members with an opportunity to share their project work in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. At the same time, they gain valuable experience in a public speaking situation. It's a great opportunity to focus on the important life skills of communications and understanding self. Of course, another purpose of the day is to choose those 4-Her's (age 12+) who will represent Coös County at The Big E!
There will be the following categories:
- Action Exhibits
- Demonstrations & Illustrated Talks
- Public Speaking
- Posters & Photographs
- Fashion & Textiles - Garment Selection & Fashion Revue, Clothing Construction & Fashion Revue, and Textile & Fiber Arts (non-clothing items - other sewn objects like quilts, tote bags, stuffed animals, and knitting & crocheting).
- Cloverbud Show & Tell and Pet Rock Showmanship
- Talent & Culture Presentations (New This Year!)
Here is a general overview of how it will work (expand the accordion menus at the bottom of this page for more details).
- April 23 - Registration Due in the Coös County 4-H office, Lancaster. (registration in ZSuites).
- April 28 - Due in the Coös County 4-H office - Photos, posters, and textiles (sewn, quilted, knitted and crocheted items).
- April 28 - Due in the Coös County 4-H office - Clothing Construction Garments with scripts (garments will be judged before the event, Fashion Revue will be in-person judging May 10).
- April 28 - Due in the Coös County 4-H office - Scripts for Garment (Fashion) Selections. (Juding will be in-person May 10, 2025)
- May 10 - All other presentations will be in front of our judges, at the Lancaster Fairgrounds.
- All enrolled Coös County 4-H members may participate in County 4-H Presents Demo Day.
- Cloverbuds are encouraged to participate in these activities in a non-competitive manner.
Youth needing assistance, please contact Chris Whiting, call 603-788-4961 or email
- Cloverbuds (4-H age 5-7)
- Juniors (4-H age 8-10)
- Intermediates (4-H age 11-13)
- Seniors (4-H age 14 & older)
- If there is a last-minute need to cancel, postpone, or alter the event, the office staff will make every effort to e-mail participants.
- If participants are not able to participate at the last minute, they should e-mail
- Several things contribute to the appearance of a speaker including grooming, style and fit of clothing, posture, facial expression, and appearance of confidence. Youth should dress-up for this event, or wear clothing appropriate for the topic you are presenting (i.e., riding attire for an illustrated talk on an equine dressage class). 4-H clothing is encouraged.
NH 4-H Presents is piloting a multimedia option into various communication events (Public Speaking, Demonstrations, and Posters) in order to further develop real world skills. The multimedia pilot option is only for intermediate and senior age divisions. Multimedia includes text, images, audio, video, and animation. The use of multimedia should not dominate a youth’s communication event; the youth sharing their skills and knowledge are the focus. It basically comes down to appropriately using visual aids to help attract and keep your audience’s attention WITHOUT letting that multimedia overshadow what you are working to convey.
This is not required and is purely optional by a 4-H member and can be backed out at any time if it just is not working. The youth will compete as normal at the County 4-H presents using their introduced multimedia event and then will further develop and refine the use of multimedia at the state and regional level. Your help will be greatly appreciated in laying the groundwork and helping 4-H incorporate more multimedia into the 4-H Presents events.
Additional Resources - Listen to a segmented long form interview with Mike Harris, Belknap County 4-H Program manager, as he interviews Jenny, senior 4-H member from Belknap County; Xanthi Russell, recent 4-H Alumni from Strafford County; and Wade Weber, New Hampshire State 4-H Program Leader, discuss the upcoming county based 4-H Presents events all across New Hampshire over the next two months!
Link to the 12 videos listed below -
PART 1 - "Intros and What is 4-H Presents?"
PART 2 - "What can I do at 4-H Presents?"
PART 3 - "What can I do at 4-H Presents? - Jenny's Example"
PART 4 - "What is NEW at 4-H Presents? Adding Talent and Culture Acts"
PART 5 - "What are the Guidelines for 4-H Presents?"
PART 6 - "Advancement from County and Beyond"
PART 7 - "Family Encouraged to Attend"
PART 8 - "How Can I Be a Part of 4-H Presents?"
PART 9 - "Developmental Benefits - Part 1 Skill Growth and Friendships"
PART 10 - "Developmental Benefits - Part 2 Cooperation Among Peers"
PART 11 - "Developmental Benefits - Part 3 Feedback and Role of Coaches/Judges"
PART 12 - "Aubrey from Merrimack County - 4H Presents Promo!"

Coös County 4-H Program Manager
Phone: 603-788-4961
The Action Exhibit category is open to all currently enrolled 4-H Members and Cloverbuds. This event strengthens communication skills, builds confidence, and encourages members to work together.
An action exhibit features one to three 4-H’ers showing a process by making or doing something. The audience is involved throughout the exhibit by asking questions or joining in on the process. Action exhibits are different from demonstrations in that constant talking is not necessary, more people are involved, and more time is allowed to complete the process. Continuous Action is the key phrase here.
Categories / Subject Areas
It is important to select a category/topic which is appropriate for age and experience levels. Exhibits should be based on 4-H project work, such as gardening, animal science, cooking, sewing, technology, citizenship, community service, etc.
Teams can be comprised of up to three (3) members. Teams will compete in the division of their oldest member. Cloverbuds may only be in teams with other Cloverbuds.
- Choose a topic that you are comfortable with and one that shows CONTINUOUS ACTION. Be sure that you find it fun, and that it can be educational to share with others. Determine the exhibit’s goal. (To teach something to others? Show the audience how to do something? Promote something?)
- Decide on a catchy title and use posters/visuals to catch attention. Titles should be short, have one idea and tell the most important point – be creative. Posters and other visuals add to the exhibit and help the audience understand the process. It is permissible to create computer generated posters and visuals. Visuals should be made to be displayed on the top of the table. Title posters should be visible from 10 –15 feet away. Title posters should include the 4-H’ers name, age, club name, and should identify the project as a 4-H exhibit and its connection to UNH Cooperative Extension. Use 4-H flags, 4-H colors, and 4-H emblems to do this.
- Have enough supplies on hand to do your Action Exhibit several times with audience participation.
- Organize all materials needed to perform the action exhibit. Be sure you are comfortable using the materials and tools without adult assistance. Practicing will help to prepare you for the big day.
- Adhere to all safety rules, paying particular attention to electrical safety and food safety.
- Questions are part of the action exhibit process. Members should be prepared to ask the audience if they have any questions and be ready to answer them.
- The 4-H program does not endorse any brand; therefore, no brand name of any kind should be visible. All supplies should be put in generic containers, and labels should be covered. (Example: Attach a plain white piece of paper, labeled “ketchup” over the Heinz label.)
Demonstrations are an opportunity for members to share with others something that they know how to do in a show-and-tell-type presentation (ex: How to Set the Table). Illustrated Talks are slightly different in that 4-H members talk while sharing visual aids, rather than actively demonstrating how to do something (ex: The Breeds of Horses). For both, 4-H members share their know how with judges, and practice using their communication skills in order to prepare them for a variety of life-long experiences.
Individual or Team
Demonstrations can be done as an individual or a team. Members who choose to work together need to have equal amounts to say and do. Teams can be comprised of up to three (3) people. Team exhibits may combine Juniors, Intermediates and Seniors, but these teams will compete at the level of the most advanced participant. Cloverbuds may only be in teams with other Cloverbuds.
Time Guidelines
- Cloverbuds - 2-3 minutes
- Juniors - 3-5 minutes
- Intermediates - 5-8 minutes
- Seniors - 7-10 minutes
Organizing Your Presentation
- Presenters should acknowledge the source of their information and ideas.
- Posters and visuals are an important part of the process and add clarity to the presentation. It is permissible to create computer-generated posters and visuals. Posters should be readable from a distance of 10 feet.
- Organize all materials needed to perform the demonstration/illustrated talk. Example: ingredients, special equipment, tape, or an extension cord. 4-Her’s should practice and be comfortable using the materials as part of their presentation.
- Questions are part of the process. Members should be prepared to ask for questions and answer them, remembering to repeat the question before answering it. (“The question has been asked….”)
- Adhere to safety rules, including electrical safety and food safety.
- The 4-H program does not endorse any brand; therefore, no brand name of any kind should be visible. All supplies should be put in generic containers, and labels should be covered. (Example: Cover the brand name label with white construction paper that says, “Dish Soap”.)
- All presentations must be identified as a 4-H exhibit. Use 4-H flags, 4-H colors, and/or 4-H clovers to do this.
Horse demonstrations are judged on a separate score sheet and may earn eligibility to move on to additional regional and national events. For more information, to view the horse score sheet, and to discuss the possibilities, please contact Christine Whiting.
Length of Speech
The general rule of thumb is:
- Cloverbuds - 1-3 minutes
- Juniors - 3-5 minutes
- Intermediates - 5‐8 minutes
- Seniors - 7‐10 minutes
To begin your speech, introduce yourself by name, 4-H club, and speech title/topic. At the conclusion of the speech, contestants should cite their major references; (this is not considered part of the allotted time). In addition, question and answer time is not counted as part of the length of the speech. Contestants are encouraged to repeat the question, then answer it.
Points for inappropriate attire will be deducted from the scorecard. Improper attire will be determined at the discretion of the judges. Business attire or dress appropriate to the speech is acceptable.
Use of Note Cards & Visuals
No props or visual aids should be used when presenting a formal speech. Notes or note cards may be used, however, they should not distract from the presentation. (Be sure to number your cards.)
Horse Topics
Horse-themed speeches are judged on a unique score sheet and may earn eligibility to move onto additional regional and national events. For more information, to view the horse score sheet, and to discuss the possibilities, please contact Christine Whiting.
- The photography contest is open to all 4-H members.
- Youth may submit up to three (3) entries. Each photo must have a Photo Exhibit entry form attached.
- Photographs must have been taken after August 1, 2024. (Photographs which were previously in 4-H Presents cannot be resubmitted.)
- Photos do not need to include the UNH Cooperative Extension logo or the 4-H Clover.
- There will be the following themes:
- New Hampshire at its Best: Bodies of Water
- 4-H at its Best: 4-H'ers in Action
- Open Category (Coös County only)
Poster Themes
- Animal Science
- Healthy Living
- Shooting Sports
- Teen Leadership
- Environmental Science
Poster Guidelines
- Posters must have been created since August 1, 2024.
- Youth may submit one (1) entry. Your poster must have a poster exhibit entry form attached to it.
- Posters must be made on standard poster board measuring 14” x 22”. They may be horizontal or vertical. Posters on non-standard size board will not be accepted. The overall size of the poster cannot exceed 14”x22” and should not have anything hanging off the edge of the board.
- Posters may be produced by any medium including watercolor, ink, crayon, acrylic, charcoal, and/or oils. Word processed lettering and computer-generated graphics are acceptable.
- Posters may be three dimensional, however, they can be no more than 1/4” high (must be able to lay flat in a pile).
- Poster should be able to be read from 6 feet away and should convey one clear message (not a collage).
- Other than the 4-H Clover, posters may not incorporate copyrighted materials like "Snoopy" cartoon characters or trademarked materials such as depictions of items with names like “Elmer’s Glue” or “Campbell’s Soup”.
- If the 4-H Clover is used, it may not be distorted, and no images may be superimposed over it. The statement “18 USC 707” must legibly appear at the right of the base. Any use of the official 4-H Clover (any clover with “H’s” on the leaves) must be used in accordance with the rules governing the emblem. Official 4-H graphic “rules governing the emblem” may be found on-line.
Participants will shop for, select, and purchase one or more garments, then combine them with accessories or other garments from their current wardrobe to create a coordinated outfit. Only one entry can be entered in the 4-H Garment Selections program and your purchase must have been done in the past year.
Check out various stores to see how good a shopper you can be and find value for your money. The maximum amount that can be spent for garment(s) purchased for this program is $50. Garments can be purchased from specialty stores, department stores, discount stores, factory outlets, thrift stores, consignment stores, mail order or through the internet. Compare prices, garment features, fabrics, colors and consumer services. Garment makeovers can also be showcased in the program as long as the date of purchase was within a year and garment price didn’t exceed the $50 limit.
Evaluation will be done by a judge or panel that will interview youth. Youth will also model the outfit and be evaluated on fit, appearance, modeling, poise, communication skills, and appropriateness of accessories.
- Best Bargains for under $25
- Special Occasions
- Career - Professional
- Makeovers
- Sports/Leisure Activities (no team sport uniforms)
Clothing Construction Garments & Other Textiles (Non-Garment Sewn, Knitted, Crocheted, Quilts)
This category is open to all currently enrolled 4-H members and Cloverbuds. It provides youth an opportunity to receive written feedback from judges on their sewn, knitted and crocheted items.
- All items need to be dropped off or mailed to the UNH Cooperative Extension – Coös County Office, 629A Main Street, Lancaster, NH 03584 for judging by April 28. If you mail items, be sure they have time to arrive prior to the registration deadline. Late items will not be accepted.
- Remember to include your pattern directions, if applicable. Please be sure your name is on the directions. (Pattern pieces are not needed.)
- Entries should be clean and pressed for judging and should demonstrate your finest workmanship.
- Single Items or a Set. (Example: A pajama top and a pajama bottom are considered a set and will be judged as one entry.)
Other Non-Garment Sewn Textiles
- Textile entries are machine or hand sewn and can include pillows, accessories, pocketbooks, backpacks, toys, aprons, quilted shams, pillowcases, items with quilted areas less than 24” square, etc.
Knitted / Crocheted Items
- Knitted and crocheted entries can include garments, afghans, scarves, mittens, hats, dish towels, toys, etc.
- Items with quilted areas larger than 24” square are entered as quilts, including: quilts, quilted wall hangings, and quillows.
- Quilt finishing styles include Tied, Hand Quilted, Machine Quilting on a Domestic Machine, Free Hand on a Long Arm, Computer guided on a Long Arm.
- Quilt work should be done by the exhibitor. Adults may assist in the design and construction through demonstration only.
- No pre-cut kits allowed.
- Label your quilt and carrying container. Quilts are to be labeled with the following information: Quilt maker’s name, Name of quilt pattern, Date completed, Professional quilter’s name (if applicable). Points will be deducted if no label is included.
Cloverbud - Show & Tell, Pet Rock Showmanship
Cloverbud members can present a “Show & Tell”. This is a non-competitive and fun way to share what you like and learn from others, too. Show & tell presentations should be 1 to 3 minutes. Check out the Cloverbud Show & Tell Comment Card to see what the judges are looking for. This event is non competitive and is not a qualifying event.
Cloverbuds may submit one pet rock for Showmanship.
- Choose a rock that is big enough to add features but not too big to pick up.
- Make sure your Pet Rock has a face on one end and a tail on the other end. You may add other features (legs, wings, hair or fur) if you wish.
- Show yourself and your pet rock to best advantage: This means dressing in neat and clean clothes and make sure your rock is clean.
- Put your rock down and give a short summary. (For example, say my pet rock is 4 months old. My pet is made of granite. I had fun finding and decorating my rock. Etc.)
- The judge may ask questions about your rock. Be sure to thank them at the end. Check out the Pet Rock Showmanship Comment Card to see what they are looking for. **This event is non competitive and is not a qualifying event.
Talent & Culture Showcase - New This Year!
4-H TALENT AND CULTURE aims to showcase talent, share skills, and demonstrate artistic expressions for an audience to enjoy. Communication is fundamental to all cultures and forms of artistic expression. This year, we invite
4-H youth to share their creativity in a new category at 4-H Presents. Youth may receive feedback after their performance, but this is a non-judged category designed to provide an opportunity for youth to showcase their skills on stage in front of an audience.
- Talent: Share your musical, vocal, theatrical, or creative arts for an audience to enjoy! Or perhaps choreographed dance! Are you in a band? Whatever music moves you, we invite you to share with your 4-H community at this event!
- Open Mic: Are you a writer? Calling all standup comedy acts, slam poets, and short story creators. Want to perform a skit with a small group? This category is for you!
- Culture and Family History: Share something that is meaningful to you and your family. Demonstrate food, clothing, traditions, dances, songs, or anything that reflects your values, history, or culture for an audience to enjoy.
- Do you have an idea that was not listed above? Reach out to Chrisine Whiting, 4-H Program Manager, and get it approved!
Action Exhibits
- Overview: An action exhibit features one to three 4-H members showing a process by making or doing something. The audience is involved throughout the exhibit by asking questions or joining in on the process. 'Continuous Action' is the key phrase here.
- Number of Entries Allowed: 1
- How Entries are Submitted: Presented in-person to judge(s)
Demonstrations / Illustrated Talks
- Overview: Demonstrations/Illustrated Talks are an opportunity for members to share something that they know or know how to do. Youth give a presentation that is enhanced by props and/or posters.
- Number of Entries Allowed: 1
- How Entries are Submitted: Presented in-person to judge(s)
Public Speaking
- Overview: 4-H public speaking gives youth an opportunity to talk in front of other people and learn skills needed for effective communication. Speeches must be original works. Topics may be on any subject, however they must be 4-H appropriate.
- Number of Entries Allowed: 1
- How Entries are Submitted: Presented in-person to judge(s)
- Overview: Members may enter photographs they have taken since State 4-H Presents last year. Photos should be in one of the following categories: NH at its Best: Bodies of Water, 4-H at its Best: 4-H'ers in Action
- Number of Entries Allowed: 3
- How Entries are Submitted: Mail or drop items(s) off at the UNH Extension office in Lancaster, by April 28. A photo exhibit form must be attached to the back of the photo.
- Overview: The poster contest is a way to communicate a visual message. Posters are classified as being either promotional or educational and themes include: Animal Science, Healthy Living, STEM, Shooting Sports, Teen Leadership, Environmental Science. Posters must be made on standard poster board measuring 14”x22”, and not be more than ¼” thick. They may be horizontal or vertical but must NOT have anything hanging off the edge.
- Number of Entries Allowed: 1
- How Entries are Submitted: Mail or drop off a poster at the UNH Extension office in Lancaster. A poster exhibit form must be attached to the back of the poster.
Fashion & Textiles
Garment Selection & Fashion Revue
- Overview: Participants shop for, select, and purchase one or more garments (not to exceed $50) then combine them with accessories or other garments from their current wardrobe to create a coordinated outfit to present to the judge(s) during the interview process. Youth will model their outfit and be evaluated on fit, appearance, modeling, poise, communication skills, and appropriateness of accessories.
- Number of Entries Allowed: 1
- How Entries are Submitted: Presented in-person to judge(s)
Clothing Construction & Fashion Revue
- Overview: This category is for machine or hand sewn clothing including skirts, vests, pants, dresses, shirts, shorts, pajamas, coats. (Accessories, including scarves and hats, are judged as textiles, knitted, or crocheted items.)
- Number of Entries Allowed: 3
- How Entries are Submitted: Mail or drop off garment at the UNH Extension office in Lancaster, by April 28. Fashion Revue will be in-person with judges on May 10.
Other Textiles - Other Non-garment items - potholders, face masks, fleece hats, stuffed animals, place mats, aprons, tote bags, wall hangings, etc.
Quilts, Knitting, Crocheting
- Overview: These items will be reviewed by judges and feedback will be provided to youth.
- Number of Entries Allowed: One (1) quilt entry. All other items up to 3 entries.
- How Entries are Submitted: Mail or drop off item(s) at the UNH Extension office in Lancaster by April 28.
Multimedia Pilot 2025
NH 4-H Presents is piloting a multimedia option into various communication events (Public Speaking,
Demonstrations, and Posters) in order to further develop real world skills. The multimedia pilot option is
only for intermediate and senior age divisions. Multimedia includes text, images, audio, video, and
animation. The use of multimedia should not dominate a youth’s communication event; the youth sharing
their skills and knowledge are the focus. It basically comes down to appropriately using visual aids to help
attract and keep your audience’s attention WITHOUT letting that multimedia overshadow what you are
working to convey.
This is not required and is purely optional by a 4-H member and can be backed out at any time if it just is not
working. The youth will compete as normal at the County 4-H Presents using their introduced multimedia
event and then will further develop and refine the use of multimedia at the state and regional level. Your help
will be greatly appreciated in laying the ground work and helping 4-H incorporate more multimedia into the
4-H Presents events.
More Information - 4H_Presents_Multimedia_Pilot.pdf
- Action Exhibit Guide:
- Demonstration Guide:
- Public Speaking Guide:
- Photography & Poster Guides: Poster.Photos-entry INFO and Scoresheets.10-24.pdf
- Talent & Culture Showcase (New This Year!): NH 4-H Presents-Talent&Culture Guide2024.pdf
- Cloverbud Show & Tell and Pet Rock Showmanship: Cloverbud Show & Tell.pdf
- Multimedia used with Demonstrations, Public Speaking, Posters. (Intermediates & Seniors) (New This Year!): 4H_Presents_Multimedia_Pilot.pdf
- Horse Communication Contest Rules:
Score Sheets
- Action Exhibit Scoresheet:
- Demonstration / Illustrated Talk Scoresheet:
- Public Speaking Scoresheet:
- Photography & Poster Scoresheets: Poster.Photos-entry INFO and Scoresheets.10-24.pdf
- Garment Selections & Fashion Revue Scoresheets: Fashions Textiles Events Scoresheets.pdf
- Clothing Construction & Fashion Revue Scoresheets: Fashions Textiles Events Scoresheets.pdf
- Other Textiles (Non-Garment Sewn, Knitting, Crocheting, Quilts) Scoresheets: Fashions Textiles Events Scoresheets.pdf
- STEM Scoresheet:
- Talent & Culture Feedback Form: 4H Presents Talent_Culture Feedback.pdf
- Cloverbud Feedback Form: viewcontent.cgi
- Horse Demonstration & Illustrated Talk Scoresheet:
- Horse Public Speaking Scoresheet:
- Photography Tip Sheet:
- Using the 4-H Name & Emblem Guide: