

The Extension Internship and Small Family Fellows Programs give exceptional undergraduate Wildcats the opportunity to work in communities across the Granite State.

Application deadline: March 28, 2025

Extension interns and Small Family fellows work with their mentors and their cohort to develop as young professionals and help the university make an impact across New Hampshire. We use a cohort model, so you will be part of a group of interns who are trained together and intern throughout the state with Extension and non-profit organizations. In addition to the specific skills you’ll build related to your internship, you’ll also develop career readiness skills. At the end of the summer, all interns present at a poster presentation to showcase your work and develop skills to communicate your work to the public. These paid internships ($16/hour) are approximately 20-30 hours per week from June 2 – August 8.

Extension interns work on projects addressing agriculture & horticulture, nutrition & healthy living, natural resources (e.g., forestry, water quality), citizen science, 4-H programming, and youth & family resiliency. Must be USNH undergraduate students.

Small Family fellows work at non-profits throughout the state in areas such as farm-based education, science communication, marketing, historical programming, summer camp programming, educational outreach to middle and high school students, outdoor education, tutoring Upward Bound students, and developing and leading programs at Boys and Girls Clubs throughout the state. Small fellows must be N.H. residents and USNH undergraduate students.

Please contact Nicole French-Wollen ( with questions.

Extension internships (app deadline March 28, 2025)

Food & Agriculture:

  • Dairy and Livestock Program Intern (Boscawen, N.H.). Working with Cooperative Extension’s dairy and livestock team, the dairy and livestock program intern will be instrumental in assisting with dairy and livestock program development.
  • Plant Diagnostic Lab Technician (Durham, N.H.). The plant pathology summer intern will work in the plant diagnostic lab handling plant health samples, conducting disease diagnosis using regular and molecular approaches, logging results in lab databases, and communicating results and resources of the plant pathology program to clientele.
  • Soil Health Intern (Durham, N.H.). This internship focuses on evaluating a new on-farm soil microbiometer test kit designed to assess soil health by quantifying microbial biomass and fungal to bacterial ratios.
  • Therapy Through Gardening Intern (Goffstown, N.H.). The therapy through gardening intern will work with trained Extension Master Gardener volunteers to blend occupational, physical and/or mental therapy skills with gardening techniques to help clients gain skills, build self-esteem, and enhance their quality of life.

Health & Well-Being:

  • Nature-Based Mental Wellness Educator, Camp ATLAS (Epping, N.H.). ). We’re currently seeking two students with an interest in mental health, education, conservation, community development, and/ or experiential learning to help us deliver the second season of Camp All-Terrain Learning Adventures (ATLAS).
  • Nutrition Access Research Assistant (remote with travel within N.H.). This internship focuses on community nutrition access assessment, providing hands-on experience in public health data analysis, GIS mapping, and community engagement.
  • Nutrition Program Development Intern (remote). The nutrition program development intern will assist with program development for nutrition and physical activity education for low-income populations.

Natural Resources:

  • Accessible Trails Intern (Durham, N.H.). The accessible trails intern will help more people access the outdoors in New Hampshire. They will support the Trail Finder team by developing a comprehensive list of accessible trails to add to the Trail Finder website, a website that makes it easier for anyone to find trails in N.H. and Vermont.
  • Forest Industry Internship (Durham, N.H.). The student intern will work with the Extension forest industry state specialist and partners on priority market development and workforce projects.
  • Water Quality Monitoring Intern (N.H. lakes). The Lakes Lay Monitoring Program is seeking to fill two positions for field and laboratory technicians who can assist with the day-to-day operations of the summer sampling season.

Marketing & Communications:

  • Photography Intern (statewide). This role involves capturing, editing, and archiving images for publications, broadcasts, presentations, and social media to support UNH’s brand identity and Extension program goals.

4-H Youth Development & Education:

  • Animal Science Events and Marketing Intern (Durham, N.H.). The 4-H animal science events and marketing intern will work under the supervision of the N.H. 4-H animal science field specialist assisting with a variety of 4-H animal science events and activities.
  • Event Coordination and Volunteer Management, Grafton County (North Haverhill, N.H.). We’re seeking an enthusiastic and organized intern to assist with event coordination and volunteer management for the North Haverhill Fair.
  • STEM Education Intern, Carroll County (Conway and Wolfeboro, N.H.). The intern will support STEM programming at Makers Mill in Wolfeboro and at locations in Conway, such as libraries and schools.
  • 4-H Summer Program Assistant, Strafford County (Dover, N.H.). The 4-H summer program assistant will lead youth programs, community outreach efforts and program development with a focus on healthy living and nutrition.
  • Community Agriculture Gardening and Education Intern (Concord, N.H.). The community agriculture intern will support the deliverables of the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Agsploration by supporting educators in their efforts within the program, along with their efforts and experiences in utilizing community/school gardens for their classroom experiences.
  • Observatory Summer Assistant (Durham, N.H.). The observatory assistant will assist with repairs and program development at the UNH Observatory. We hope to make some programming changes to the observatory’s telescope control system to improve the pointing and tracking performance of our existing system. We also plan to upgrade the newest telescope’s control system by interfacing it with a new observatory computer system.

Small Family fellowships (app deadline March 28, 2025)

Applicants must be undergraduate residents of New Hampshire

Farm-based Education Fellow, Branch Hill Farm (Milton Mills, N.H.). The Farm-based Education Fellow will work under the guidance of the educational programming coordinator and farm production manager to carry out the teen apprenticeship program and vegetable garden field work.

Outdoor Education Fellow, Boys & Girls Club of Souhegan Valley (Milford, N.H.). The outdoor education fellow will work in our summer camp program to facilitate and evaluate youth- or teen- led projects and activities. This experience is engaging, fast-paced, and full of summer camp fun!

Summer Staff Counselor, Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salem (Salem, N.H.). The staff counselor internship involves helping create a safe environment for children, participating in and learning new activities, supporting kids in developing social skills, and assisting with field trips.

Tutor-Mentor, UNH TRIO Upward Bound Summer Academy (Durham, N.H., residential position). If you are looking to make a positive impact in the lives of first-generation, income eligible students in a fast-paced, dynamic, and rewarding environment...become a residential Tutor-Mentor (TM) with the UNH TRIO Upward Bound Summer Academy!

Recreation Program Fellow, Rochester Recreation & Arena (Rochester, N.H.). The recreation program fellow will assist the marketing program coordinator and the recreation supervisor in their daily responsibilities.

Science Communications Fellow, Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (Greenland, N.H.). The Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve is looking for a science communications fellow to develop stories, blog posts and multimedia content about Great Bay environmental issues.

Program Fellow, Black Heritage Trail of N.H. (Portsmouth, N.H.). The program fellow will assist with Black Heritage Trail of N.H. summer tours and programming, including their Juneteenth Celebration and Frederick Douglass Community Reading.

Marketing and Promotion Intern, Friends of the South End Fairy House Tour (Portsmouth, N.H./hybrid). The marketing and promotion intern will assist the event manager with creating the annual Fairy House Tour in downtown Portsmouth.

Media and Tourism Fellow, Chamber Collaborative of Greater Portsmouth (Portsmouth, N.H.). The Chamber is looking for a summer media and tourism fellow who can help develop and fully execute a plan to build a collection of content pieces designed to market Portsmouth as a tourism destination and promote participation in the Chamber Collaborative.

Summer Program Assistant, The Freedom Cafe (Durham, N.H.). The program assistant will work with the executive director to advance the overall mission of the Freedom Café, assisting with day-to-day operations, fundraising, and planning and marketing for September’s Festival in the Field Concert and Vendor Fair.

Lil’ Free Farmstand Coordinator, Grow Nashua (Nashua, N.H.). Grow Nashua is seeking a fellow to contribute to our innovative Lil’ Free Farmstand program which collects excess veggies from local gardeners, food banks and farmers and redistributes them to families most in need. Duties will initially include planning, marketing, and recruitment of participants.

TRIO Educational Talent Search Summer Intern (Durham, N.H.). The Educational Talent Search summer intern will play a vital role in supporting the implementation of educational outreach initiatives and programs aimed at empowering and guiding underrepresented middle and high school students.

Opportunities for UNH Manchester undergrads who are N.H. residents

Science Communications Fellow, Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation (Seacoast N.H.). Applicants must be UNH Manchester undergraduates. The science communications fellow for the Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation will inspire participants aboard commercial whale watching trips to make a change in their lives for the betterment of the ocean community. Contact Dr. Patricia Halpin ( for more info.

STEAM Program Fellow, Boys & Girls Club of Greater Manchester (Manchester, N.H.). Applicants must be UNH Manchester undergraduates. The STEAM Program Fellow will help oversee the STEM program at The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Manchester’s Camp Foster, a weekly summer day camp program in the elements, away from the classroom, with a focus on entry level sciences for first to seventh graders. Contact Dr. Patricia Halpin ( for more info.

Plant Disease Diagnostician (Durham, NH): This intern will work on handling plant health samples, conducting disease diagnosis, logging data, and other diagnostic efforts.

Soil Sustainability Research Intern (Durham, NH): This research assistant will collaborate with farmers and advisors to explore essential measures that promote soil health and sustainable farming practices in New Hampshire.

ATLAS Youth Field Instructor (Epping, NH): All Terrain Learning Adventures (ATLAS) is an outdoor youth program through a partnership between UNH Extension and the Southeast Land Trust (SELT). Interns will be helping build and pilot a two-week summer camp for youth ages 9-12.

Health & Well-Being Research Assistant (Dover, NH): These two interns will work together to conduct a Community Nutrition Access Assessment.

Deep Water Quality Profiling and Sampling (Durham, NH): This intern will work with the Lakes Lay Monitoring Program to retrieve water samples, perform lab analyses, engage with partner organizations, and train volunteers on water sample collection.

New Hampshire Fish & Game Conservation Officer Intern (Lancaster, NH): This intern will learn about the work of a conservation office through administrative support, assisting with wildlife enforcement, search and rescue support, and more.

Water Quality Research Assistant (Durham, NH): This intern will work with the Lakes Lay Monitoring Program to research nutrient loading of lakes that cause cyanobacteria blooms in New Hampshire.

Strategic Marketing Assistant (Durham, NH): This intern will help support a new strategic marketing plan for the MarCom team that implements program- and leadership-identified initiatives.

4-H Summer Program Assistant (Dover, NH): This intern will be leading youth programs, community outreach efforts, and program development. The intern will facilitate 4-H programs throughout Strafford County.

4-H Urban Garden Program Assistant (Concord, NH): This intern will develop a 4-H Teaching Garden program at Russell-Shea Growers community garden. They will design and deliver garden/food centered programming that engages youth and families promoting agricultural literacy.

4-H Youth Program Assistant (North Haverhill, NH): This intern will work on creating workshops for 4-H youth, help with activities at the North Haverhill Fair, and immerse themselves in the operations of a 4-H program!

4-H Urban Garden Program Assistant:
Victoria Scarbro, North Carolina State University

The intern developed 4-H Teaching Gardens at Russell-Shea Growers Community Gardens (Concord) and at the Education Farm at Joppa Hill (Bedford). Utilizing these host sites, the intern designed and delivered garden-centered programming that engaged youth and families, promoting the development of agricultural literacy. Working collaboratively with the NH 4-H Agriscience Field Specialist and the UNH STEM Discovery Lab Program Director, the program assistant identified appropriate 4-H research-based curriculum to utilize in programming. The Urban Garden Program Assistant sought out opportunities to partner with other youth-serving organizations like the YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, and 21st Century Community Learning Centers to engage youth not served by the 4-H program in the 4-H Teaching Gardens.

Consulting Forestry Internship:
Carter Cassedy, Forestry ’24; Donovan Lombara, Forestry ‘25

These interns built their skills by performing duties that are common for consulting foresters, including boundary marking, invasive species management, timber sale layout and operation, permitting, marking timber, inventory, mapping, and other duties as assigned.

Farmer Support Systems Intern:
Serena Britos, Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems ‘24

Serena assisted Extension Food & Agriculture staff with collecting critical evaluation data that was used in grant reporting and to inform needs assessment for future programming to address issues of farmer support systems in the future. Projects included investigating inflation-induced changes to NH farm prices and consumer behavior, supporting the Farm Strong New Hampshire program, and assisting with the Beginning Farmer Program.

Health & Well-Being Program Assistants:
Olivia Arangio, Health & Physical Education ‘25; Rachel Goding, Master of Science: Nutritional Sciences ‘23

Olivia and Rachel worked on a variety of initiatives, such as nutrition education, farmer's market educational food demos, farm-to-school initiatives, recipe development, social marketing, curriculum review and development, and needs assessments.

Integrated Pest Management Intern: 
Aaron Hoag, Sustainable Agriculture & Food System ‘25

Aaron worked with Extension staff around the state to help collect data for the Integrated Pest Management Program and spent time processing samples in the Plant Diagnostic Lab on the UNH campus in Durham. This position included traveling with staff to different sites 2-3 days a week to check insect traps, scout for diseases, maintain field trials, interact with growers and other Extension staff. Days not in the field were spent in the diagnostic lab or completing office work to support IPM programming and outreach events.

Lake Water Quality Monitoring Intern: 
Kaleb Ducharme, Master of Science: Genetics ‘25

Kaleb was hired by the Lakes Lay Monitoring Program to focus on lake water quality monitoring with special investigations in cyanobacteria identification. This was a unique opportunity to work for the Lakes Lay Monitoring Program, in collaboration with Wolfeboro Waters, to implement the monitoring of harmful cyanobacteria blooms and occurrences. The program focused on the sampling and processing of lake samples for water quality analyses for the State of NH.

Nature Communications and Outreach Intern: 
Samantha Giudice, Communication: Business Applications, ‘24

Samantha assisted two New Hampshire-based conservation organizations, Nature Groupie and TrailFinder, with outreach and communication projects. Projects included creating content for social media and websites, photography, attending volunteer events, marketing merchandise, and more.

Nature Groupie Field Internship: 
Daniel Ehrsam, Wildlife & Conservation Biology ‘24; Jason Reyes, Wildlife & Conservation Biology ‘24; Maddy Smith, Environmental Conservation & Sustainability and Political Science ‘24

The field interns assisted New England-based conservation organizations and public agencies in implementing stewardship and environmental research projects. Staff from Nature Groupie, based at UNH Cooperative Extension, coordinated an internship with a variety of field-based projects over the summer hosted by at least four (4) different New Hampshire environmental organizations, such as land trusts, public agencies, researchers, and communities.

NH Barn Trail Intern: 
Ryan Cutting, History ‘24

Ryan assisted UNH Cooperative Extension staff in conjunction with the NH Barn Committee to help launch the NH Barn Trail project. They conducted research on barns around the state and compiled information for educational and tourism purposes.

Photography Intern: 
Caroline Cavaleiri, Business Administration: Management ‘23

Caroline was responsible for taking, editing, and archiving images for publication, broadcast, presentations, and social media that supported UNH's brand identity and strategic goals. Over the course of a summer, the Extension photographer attended at least 40 photo shoots across the state, took over 2,000 images, and processed over 1,000 images for the UNH photo library.

Social Media Intern:
Madison Berry, Communication ‘26

The intern collaborated with the marketing team to create and curate engaging content, analyze performance metrics, and engage with the online community to strengthen brand awareness and drive engagement.

STEM Education and Natural Resource Interns: 
Taylor Driskill, Environmental Conservation & Sustainability ‘25; Beth Thomas, Master of Education: Elementary Education ‘25

Taylor and Beth were placed at the Mead Base Conservation Center, the southernmost entry to the White Mountain National Forest. Located in Sandwich, NH, Mead Base hosted a historic farmhouse and campsites and served as a launchpad for several trailheads, including the Wentworth Trail up Mt. Israel. They planned and delivered 4-H youth STEM programs in Carroll County. The interns learned and taught existing 4-H STEM Pathway activities and chose at least one other STEM topic to develop and teach to youth. These local STEM programs were offered in partnership with local libraries to engage youth and teach them STEM and 4-H Life Skills. In addition to the 4-H programming, the Summer Interns also worked with the Friends of Mead Base Conservation Center to support natural resource management activities at Mead Base.

Website Junior Content Administrator: 
Samantha Boisvert, Communication ‘24

Samantha worked on reviewing, reformatting, and facilitating the correction of web content, assessing past content for quality, brand, and SEO compliance, and developing training materials for website editors.

Youth Leadership Intern: 
Kyle Brassard, Recreation Management & Policy

Kyle led youth programs, community outreach efforts, and program development with a focus on Healthy Living and Animal Science. The intern also worked to strengthen Animal Science Programs throughout Strafford County and assisted with the 4-H Animal Shows at the 2023 Stratham Summerfest.

Youth Mental Wellness Intern: 
Kate Mathews, Human Development & Family Studies ‘24

This intern was given several opportunities to engage with youth in a variety of settings, including direct service (working directly with youth) as well as program coordinating (planning details and preparation). They attended a 5-days, all-expenses-paid trip to Washington D.C. to chaperone three teens to the 4-H True Leaders in Equity Institute. The intern also supported the second annual 4-H Mindfulness Retreat at the Browne Center in Durham.

​​​​​​Agricultural Projects Intern:                                                                                               
Ashley Masse, Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems ‘23

This intern worked with members of the Agriculture Business Management team on a number of different farm management education programs. The intern developed their knowledge on farm planning and used that knowledge to develop outreach videos for Extension. The intern also worked on a project to cultivate rich and complete marketing data about the agricultural business community communications behavior and preferences.

​​​​Barry Conservation 4-H Camp Counselors – Aquatics Intern:  
Lauren Thibeault, Environmental Conservation & Sustainability ‘25

This residential intern was a leader at camp, supervising campers in multiple cabins and daily activities, enforcing safety measures, working as a team, and representing Barry Conservation 4-H Camp in an enthusiastic, supportive, and informative manner. The Aquatics Intern planned and coordinated all aquatic activities at camp, including conducting camper swim tests, supervising swimming, canoeing, kayaking, and other water related activities.

Community Resilience & Youth Wellness Intern:          
Daisy Young, English and Sustainability ‘23

This intern helped with two projects. The first was the Building Community Resilience Project. Communities in the Kearsarge, Mascoma, and Haverhill areas are addressing barriers to health and helping individuals, families, and communities thrive in the face of adversity. The student intern helped to bring the stories of local voices and faces to the project. They connected with community members and volunteers engaged in the local community action project to capture their stories as well as assist them in implementing the action plans that they’ve developed in their community. The second project was on Youth Behavioral Health & Wellness. The intern helped identify settings (4-H programs, schools, afterschool programs, community events) where support was needed in the form of youth mental health resources and/or direct service.

Foothills Foundation Intern:
T. Troy, Community & Environmental Planning ‘24

This internship assisted UNH Extension's work with the Foothills Foundation, and may also work on other statewide tourism and recreation related projects. The intern worked with Extension staff and their community and nonprofit organization partners to recruit volunteers, assisted with developing and maintaining website and social media content, developed list of organizations engaged with trail networks in Central NH, planned networking events pertaining to trails and recreation, and research grants and other possible funding opportunities.

Forestry Internship With Harris Center For Conservation Education:  
Donovan Lombara, Forestry ‘25

This 10-week internship provided a forestry student with the opportunity to work with the Harris Center for Conservation Education located in Hancock, NH. The Harris Center promotes understanding and respect for the natural world through education programs, conservation research, and land protection. The intern worked throughout the Monadnock Region of New Hampshire on a variety of sites and projects. These projects included a diverse mix of forest management, conservation, and recreation related experiences.

Healthy Living Program Assistant:
Caroline Williams, Nutrition: Dietetics ‘24

The intern assisted in food access related education as well as policy, systems, and environmental change initiatives, designed to support communities in reducing food insecurity. These initiatives occur throughout the state and with a wide variety of partners (food pantries, farmers markets, schools, community centers, recovery centers, federal and state agencies, food alliances). The intern must be flexible and open to working on a variety of projects and initiatives throughout the state. Example of potential projects are hunger action month social media campaign, summer garden projects, healthy food pantry initiatives and plant a row in Strafford County.

​​​​​​Lakes Lay Monitoring Lab & Field Intern:                                 
Sara Forcina, Biochemistry: Molecular & Cellular Biology ‘24

The intern became proficient at using standard laboratory and field sampling techniques in water quality monitoring and employed evolving sampling and analytical techniques used to track potentially toxic cyanobacteria blooms. The intern interacted extensively with local volunteer monitors who collected water quality samples on their respective lakes and ponds. Through the collection and analysis of data, and the interaction with the lay public, the intern gained an appreciation of the need for quantitative data that contributes to a long-term database upon which stakeholders base informed decisions at the local level.

Mead Base Intern:                     
Beth Thomas, Human Development & Family Studies ‘25

This intern worked at the Mead Base Conservation Center, the southernmost entry to the White Mountain National Forest. The Base hosts a historic farmhouse and campsites and serves as a launchpad for several trailheads including the Wentworth Trail up Mt. Israel. The summer intern  designed and delivered environmental 4-H youth programming, developed + facilitated an extensive 4-H Special Interest program for youth, and support natural resource management activities at the Base.

Nature Groupie Field Interns:
Malian Jennings, Environmental Conservation & Sustainability ’25; Daniel Persico, Wildlife & Conservation Biology ’25; Emily Wood, Wildlife & Conservation Biology ‘23

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This internship assisted New England-based conservation organizations and public agencies in implementing stewardship and environmental research projects. Staff from Nature Groupie, based at UNH Cooperative Extension, coordinated an internship with a variety of field-based projects over the summer hosted by at least four (4) different New Hampshire environmental organizations such as land trusts, public agencies, researchers and communities. Stewardship and conservation projects were selected to offer a diverse set of opportunities. These interns showed great enthusiasm for working outdoors in various conditions, and will received training in field work safety, invasive plant management, trail maintenance, and use of tools and technology for field work.

New Hampshire Libraries Project Intern:
Emily Buehne, Undeclared ‘25

Check Out UNH is a donor-funded project, endorsed by Advancement and the Office of Outreach and Engagement, that facilitates a UNH partnership with NH public libraries. The project includes placement of interactive kiosks in libraries, educational items in public circulation and support resources for the statewide summer reading program that engages 15,000 library patrons each year. The project was in year 1 of a five-year pilot plan and is poised to place one kiosk in the Dover public library, NH tide pool exploration kits in five libraries and support for the “Oceans of Possibilities” summer reading program in over 50 libraries in 2022. This intern was critical in supporting the summer reading program implementation by coordinating with UNH program staff and librarians to schedule programs and provide educational content about UNH marine research and activities. Duties of this intern included email correspondence, delivery of educational programs at libraries, distribution of materials to libraries, data entry to Salesforce, creation of a Check Out UNH newsletter and implementation of a social media campaign.

​​​​​​Summer Photography Interns:
Jake Kitterman, Business Administration: Entrepreneurial Studies ’23; Jackie Weik, Communication: Business Applications ‘23

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​These interns were responsible for taking, editing and archiving images for publication, broadcast, presentations and social media that support UNH’s brand identity and strategic goals. Many images are critical for the production of Extension’s annual Radius publication. Position included opportunities for training by UNH photographers. Duties included scheduling and leading photo shoots across the state as assigned, interviewing program staff and volunteers for supporting information, processing and uploading images to Extension photo library.

​​​​​​Social Media Intern:
Brianna Berry, Business Administration: Marketing ‘23