We are excited to introduce our two summer interns and asked them to share a bit about themselves and the work they will be doing this summer.

Name: Catherine Taylor

Major: Environmental and Resource Economics

Expected graduation: May 2022 (Undergraduate)

Hometown: Manchester, NH for 4 years

Tell us about your internship project and research: I am assisting Cooperative Extension with New Hampshire’s Rail Trail Plan. I will be analyzing survey data regarding the kinds of activities people do on the trails, how they value the trails, and their spending habits. This data will later be used to do an economic impact analysis of the rail trails for the NH DOT, informing their funding and policy decisions. I look forward to continuing to be a part of this project even after my internship and am thankful at the opportunity to make a difference in New Hampshire communities.

What are your career goals?  I am most passionate about solving environmental and social issues within the framework of economic analysis and statistics. I see cost-benefit and economic impact analyses as well as alternative value assessments as an important way to inform decisions by the private sector or policymakers. In my career, I want to show the value of things that are often taken for granted or left out of traditional analyses, such as ecosystem services, human health, and social welfare. Highly valuing effective communication, I seek to be a conduit through which the best available science can be translated into intelligent decisions that enhance and preserve our communities.

Name: Juliana Good

Major: BA Music Performance (Dec 2020) /Master in Public Policy (May 2021)

Hometown: Mesa, AZ

What are you working on this summer? I am working on building a youth entrepreneurship curriculum for high school students that teaches elements of human-centered design and social innovation. I am also looking at how we can improve entrepreneurship metrics in the state.

What are your career goals? I am passionate about disability justice and would like to play a part in creating a world where all people, regardless of ability, can access the places that make their communities unique.

Catherine and Juliana will share several updates this summer as their work progresses. Stay tuned!


Associate Extension Professor
Affiliated Faculty
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Extension State Specialist/Professor
Phone: (603) 862-5171
Office: Cooperative Extension, Nesmith Hall, Durham, NH 03824