Gail Kennedy
Gail serves on the Youth & Family Team in the Child, Youth & Family Resiliency area of expertise. Gail provides overall coordination and works with others on her team to deliver the Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Program in communities across the state. She is currently a Co- Principal Investigator, 4-H National Mentoring Program assisting with the development of the Youth and Families with Promise (YFP) Program in 5 locations across the state and a past Principal Investigator for 4-H Living Interactive Family Education (4-H LIFE) Program & 4-H Tech Wizards in Sullivan County, NH. Gail partners with other organizations in the community serving on coalitions aimed at strengthening youth, families and communities including those most vulnerable. She works with the Sullivan County Department of Corrections to deliver programs to strengthen family life skills in the areas of money management, parenting and healthy relationships.