Invasive Plants & Insects in Forests

Resource Category Topic
Chemical Control of Terrestrial Invasive Plants
Techniques and options for chemically controlling terrestrial invasive plants. Control or management of invasive plants should include consideration a...
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Pesticide Licensing in New Hampshire
New Hampshie Regulations<br /> <br /> New Hampshire law requires that anyone applying pesticides on property that they do not own, as part of their ...
Nature Groupie, Natural Resources, Nature Groupie, Citizen Science Projects Natural Resources
Mechanical Control of Terrestrial Invasive Plants
Mechanical control strategies for managing terrestial invasive plants.<br /> <br /> Mechanical control strategies for managing terrestial invasive p...
Nature Groupie, Natural Resources, Nature Groupie, Citizen Science Projects Natural Resources
New Hampshire Guide to Upland Invasive Species
This guidebook by Doug Cygan, Invasives Species Coordinator with the N.H. Dept. of Agriculture, Markets &amp; Food, includes 26 upland plants, three i...
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Invasive Plants in the Granite State: Training Guide
A tool for community education on invasive plants in New Hampshire.<br /> <br /> <br /> A presentation designed for the general public that provid...
Nature Groupie, Natural Resources, Nature Groupie, Citizen Science Projects
Best Management Practices to Help Stop the Spread of Emerald Ash Borer in New Hampshire [rack card]
Natural spread of emerald ash borer (EAB) takes decades; human-assisted spread takes only hours.<br /> <br /> Following best management practices wi...
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources, NH Bugs Natural Resources
Alternatives to Invasive Landscape Plants [fact sheet]
New Hampshire’s invasive species regulations currently prohibit the collection, sale, transport, distribution, propagation or transplantation of prohi...
Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Agriculture & Gardens, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
NHBugs: Protecting Trees And Forests [website]
Visit<br /> <br /> Through a partnership with New Hampshire Deparment of Agriculture, Markets &amp; Food, New Hampshire Forests &amp;  La...
Yard & Garden, Natural Resources, Forest & Trees, NH Bugs Natural Resources
Using Fire to Control Invasive Plants: What’s New, What Works in the Northeast 2003 Workshop Proceedings
A symposium, Using Fire to Control Invasive Plants: What’s New, What Works in the Northeast?, was held on January 24, 2003. Researchers and fire manag...
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
White Pine Blister Rust Infection Incidence for Selected Areas of New Hampshire
This study’s main objective was to determine how the incidence of blister rust has changed since the mid-1900’s. Five separate regions of New Hampshir...
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources