NH Bugs

Resource Category Topic Type
Best Management Practices to Help Stop the Spread of Emerald Ash Borer in New Hampshire [rack card]
Natural spread of emerald ash borer (EAB) takes decades; human-assisted spread takes only hours.<br /> <br /> Following best management practices wi...
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources, NH Bugs Natural Resources
NHBugs: Protecting Trees And Forests [website]
Visit NHBugs.org<br /> <br /> Through a partnership with New Hampshire Deparment of Agriculture, Markets &amp; Food, New Hampshire Forests &amp;  La...
Yard & Garden, Natural Resources, Forest & Trees, NH Bugs Natural Resources
Landscape Trees and Their Susceptibility to Invasive Insects
In recent years several exotic insects have either entered NH or are nearby on our doorsteps <br /> <br /> Native plants have no natural defenses ag...
Agriculture & Gardens, Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Natural Resources, Forest & Trees, NH Bugs Agriculture & Gardens, Natural Resources