Chester 4-H Junior Rifle & Archery League

chester jral logo

Thank you for your interest in 4-H Shooting Sports! The Chester 4-H Junior Rifle & Archery League has been operating for nearly 20 years, utilizing many dedicated and highly trained volunteers. Our program is conducted under the guidance of University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension.

chester jral club

Shooting Sports is a hands-on program, designed to assist youth ages 8-18 in personal development. Core concepts stress safety, ethical development, personal responsibility, and life-time recreational skills. 

Chester Rod and Gun Club in Chester, NH is gracious enough to donate their facilities to have our meetings. Our program will be offered during fair weather seasons, due to current limitations on meeting inside. UNH Extension Covid Protocols will be followed every meeting. We do provide all equipment and ammo, but due to Covid concerns, we encourage youth to provide their OWN eye protection and hearing protection.

chester jral club members

We currently offer Rifle, Pistol, and Archery disciplines, after youth complete a safety briefing with our trained volunteers. Youth may challenge themselves by participating in the NRA Marksmanship Program. We are looking to also add an Archery achievement program as well. During the season we do a youth pin shoot and are also invited to events at neighboring 4-H Shooting Sports clubs.

chester jral club

Our club is proud to share many accomplishments of our youth. We have sent teams to the 4-H Shooting Sports Nationals and a former member of our club attended college on a shooting sports scholarship. Just recently, Chester 4-H JRAL youth have dominated at BOTH the national and state levels of the 4-H Shooting Sports Quiz Bowl, earning the National Individual Champion title and Second Place team title. At the state level our youth placed first, second, and third. 

Currently, we are accepting new members. Please reach out via email for more information: Contact our club organizational leader Dale Carney.

Other places to check us out: Chester Rod & Gun Club, Facebook



4-H Program Manager, Belknap County
Phone: 603-679-5616
Office: UNH Cooperative Ext 4H Youth Development, Kendall Hall, Durham, NH 03824