Coös County - A Year in Review 2017

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Cultivating Success in New Hampshire

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Coös County and the University of New Hampshire (UNH) provide resources that support Coös County citizens, enhance their quality of life and improve the local economy.

  • 8 employees in Coös County office
  • 52 staff providing assistance from outside the county


150 volunteers worked 13,750 hours in Coös County communities.

  • Value of Volunteer Time: $331,924


In 2017, for every $1 Coös County contributed, UNH provided $2.11 of statewide resources.

  • County provided $207,410 to Coös Extension
  • UNH provided* $437,679 to Coös Extension

* Includes funding from federal, state and other non-county resources, including funding for staff based outside the county who conduct programs in the county.


Select County Impacts

a series of graphics: city, tractor, trees, people, apple


  • 80 community leaders gained knowledge and skills
  • 19 people took on new leadership roles in their communities
  • 58 workers were trained in safe food handling
  • 55 citizens utilized the Information Line
  • 130 farms received technical assistance
  • 264 soil test recommendations informed crop management decisions
  • 9,073 acres improved
  • 9 communities assisted with resource stewardship
  • 66 woodlot owners advised
  • 81 local educators and 4-H volunteers trained in STEM, healthy living & youth development
  • 1,862 kids and adults participated in 4-H and other educational programs for youth

The University of New Hampshire is an equal opportunity educator and employer. University of New Hampshire, U.S. Department of Agriculture and N.H. counties cooperating.


Extension Highlights

Statewide Highlights 2017

Extension is at work in every New Hampshire county, strengthening key industries, developing vibrant communities, engaging citizens, fostering healthy families and stewarding healthy natural resources.

Community & Economic Development

  • Collaborated with 23 communities on downtown revitalization, economic development, Main Street improvement and linking trails and downtowns.
  • Helped N.H. towns address economic development opportunities by engaging local government, businesses, agencies and citizens in finding ways to collaborate on sustaining and growing jobs, and leveraging local assets.
  • 27 economic development leaders, chamber of commerce directors and municipal planners participated in the Economic Development Academy, deepening their community development skills.

Food & Agriculture

  • Cultivated farm business management skills through training in business planning, finance, marketing and agricultural law.
  • 171 commercial workers were certified in safe and effective use of pesticides, resulting in reduced expenses in materials, labor and reduced exposure by workers to agricultural chemicals.
  • 385 restaurants, institutions and farms received training from food safety specialists in sanitary food handling and preparation — making local food industries safe and sustainable.

Natural Resources

  • Provided science-based advice on land management and stewardship practices to landowners, communities and state agencies.
  • 3,000 Natural Resources volunteers provided more than 44,000 hours of service to communities. They enhanced wildlife habitats, removed invasive species, protected against coastal erosion, and monitored lake water quality.
  • Recommendations from county foresters resulted in $440,000 in additional revenue for landowners, $1.2m additional total production value and nearly $44,000 in additional tax revenue for municipalities this fiscal year.

UNH Professional Development & Training

  • A network of 200 instructors helped workers accelerate their careers through licensure renewal, job placement, and professional development.
  • Trained professionals in rapidly developing workforce areas like education, business, leadership, technology, natural resources, drone operation for first responders, craft brewing, social work and stormwater management.
  • Partnered with municipalities and state agencies to invest in workforce development, including advanced leadership training with first responders in Manchester.

Youth & Family

  • Provided training for 1,215 educators, parents, and other caregivers to promote child, youth and family resiliency knowledge and skills. This included Youth Mental Health First Aid training for 155 adults which involves a 5 step action plan offering initial help for young people showing signs of a mental health challenge or crisis.
  • 63 youth were elected to 10 county youth leadership teams. Teen leaders reported increased skills in decision-making, goal-setting and communication, helping them grow into tomorrow’s leaders.
  • Invested in tomorrow’s STEM* workforce by training 428 educators in STEM education best practices, content knowledge, and alignment with Next Generation Science Standards.

STEM Science, Technology, Engieneering and Math