Head, Heart, Hooves and Hounds 4-H Animal Science Club


Learn about basic animal health and how to make sure all your animals are staying well. This multi-part kit will teach you how to observe your animal’s behavior and health and help you keep animals in the best health. Club meetings will build on the basic knowledge learned in kit activities. No animals are required for this club and it is suitable for members 12 and older (younger members may require help from a parent/guardian).

Kits for this club are currently out of stock. Please reach out to Mary Davis or Andrea Majewski for more information about becoming involved with this club.


Section 1 – Animal Identification

  • Animal ID Cards
  • Animal Name Sign
  • Animal ID Activity (Optional)
  • Animal Behavior Activity (Optional)

Section 2 - Wellness Check and Animal Health Observations

  • Wellness Check Preparation
  • Animal Health Observations

Section 3 - Biosecurity and Sanitation

  • Biosecurity Activity with Glitter

Section 4 - First Aid–Wound Care & When to Call the Veterinarian

  • Plan Ahead
  • Know Your Animal

Members will receive their kits the week of March 15th-19th. The club kick-off meeting will be the week of March 22nd via zoom.


The "Is My Animal OK? Exploring Animal Health and Wellness" kit costs $20 per youth. Limited scholarships are available upon request to those in need of financial assistance. For more scholarship information, contact Andrea Majewski.


Opens February 24, 2021

  • Current 4-H Members – Please email Mary Davis (mary.davis@unh.edu) with your First & Last Name and county to let us know you want to participate in the club.
  • New 4-H Members – Use these instructions to enroll and add the “Head, Heart, Hooves and Hounds Animal Science Club”.