How to Become A Coos County 4-H Volunteer

Volunteers are the backbone of 4-H youth development. They provide the leadership and mentorship that is essential to 4-H.

In 4-H there are lots of ways to share your talents and time to help youth develop citizenship, leadership, responsibility, and life skills. Research has shown that youth that have caring adults in their lives are more likely to become productive citizens, effective leaders, and lifelong learners.

Do you have an interest in robotics, computers or science? Do you like fitness, hiking, biking, fishing, and the outdoors? Do you have a passion for sewing, clothing, arts and crafts? Do you like cooking, gardening, or growing flowers? These are just a few of the many ways you can become involved.   

4-H needs:

  • Organizational Club Leaders – key individuals who encourage and coordinate the 4-H activities of members, volunteers, and parents at the club level.
  • Project Leaders – work with individual members, or a group of youth, in a project area to support and guide their learning.
  • Resource Leaders – volunteers who can only make a short term commitment, but want to help with events, fairs, committees, or in other ways. 

Interested in becoming a leader?

  • Contact Christine Whiting, Program  Manager, at or 603-788-4961 to express your interest in becoming a volunteer.
  • Complete a 4-H Volunteer Application Form:
    • Paper Form (mail it to UNHCE - Coos County -629A Main St. Lancaster, NH 03584
    • On-line
  • Complete the volunteer screening process (application, background check, reference check, orientation).
  • Once you've completed the volunteer screening process, enroll in 4-H using the Online enrollment system.
