"How To" Webinar on Planting Wildflower Meadows

Cathy Neal recently presented a webinar on Planting Wildflower Meadows for Pollinator Habitat for the Northeast IPM Center's "IPM Toolbox" Series.

This presentation is for anyone who wants to create wildflower meadows to enhance pollinator habitat and provide season-long floral resources for bees. Cathy discusses seed mixes and plant selection, site preparation, planting, and maintenance requirements. Learn to “think like a bee” while adding beauty and diversity to your landscape. The first three years require effort and patience, but you will be rewarded as your meadow matures into a self-sustaining system.

A recording of the webinar and Q&A session is available by clicking on the title above.

You can skip some of the introductory remarks and get right to the "how to" content by advancing the YouTube video to time mark 25:25.



Nursery & Landscape Horticulture State Specialist Emeritus
Office: Cooperative Extension, Spaulding Hall Rm G36, Durham, NH 03824