Wildflower Meadows

Resource Category Topic Type
Pollinator Garden Certification
New Hampshire is home to a diverse array of pollinators, from charismatic bumble bees to unheralded wasps, flies and beetles. Declines of insects, nat...
Yard & Garden, New Hampshire Master Gardeners Agriculture & Gardens
Planting for Pollinators: Establishing a Wildflower Meadow from Seed [fact sheet]
A helpful resource for landowners seeking to establish a wildlife meadow. It explains when choosing a site, consider soil conditions and sunlight expo...
Agriculture & Gardens, Landscape Installation & Maintenance Fact Sheet
"How To" Webinar on Planting Wildflower Meadows
Cathy Neal recently presented a webinar on Planting Wildflower Meadows for Pollinator Habitat for the Northeast IPM Center's "IPM Toolbox&qu...
Location: Durham Campus
Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
Wildflower Mixes for Trial in New Hampshire
Thinking of planting a mixed wildflower meadow from seed?  Based on observations and trials in NH, we have formulated a basic mix for NH meadow planti...
Agriculture & Gardens, Landscape Installation & Maintenance
Pollinator Plants for Northern New England Gardens [fact sheet]
A listing of plant types for people who want to create pollinator-friendly gardens to support numerous kinds of native bees, as well as honey bees, bu...
Agriculture & Gardens, Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Yard & Garden, Community Gardening, School Gardening Agriculture & Gardens
Wildflower Meadows - Plant Selection and Establishment
 <br /> <br /> Why Wildflower Meadows?<br /> <br /> They are beautiful and tie your landscape in to the surrounding environment. Adding even a sma...
Agriculture & Gardens, Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Yard & Garden