Introduction to ArcGIS Dashboards [online workshop]

Introduction to ArcGIS Dashboards workshop

Workshop summary Driven by Esri's ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Dashboards provide an interface for people to explore GIS data (other types of data as well!). ArcGIS Dashboards can interactively tie together GIS data, maps, lists, graphs, dropdown menus, and media, allowing for interaction with any element to change how items are displayed. This workshop will provide with an overview of the technology and help participants to understand how to start creating ArcGIS Dashboards of their own.

This workshop involves online mapping
This workshop is offered remotely
This workshop is a half-day in length
This workshop is appropriate for intermediate users

Participants will learn  the basic concepts of ArcGIS Dashboards | to create interactive ArcGIS Dashboards using GIS data

Software discussed   ArcGIS Online  |  ArcGIS Dashboards

Length   9:00am to noon

Dates   March 13, 2025  |  April 22, 2025  |  June 10, 2025 

Format   REMOTE - students attend via Zoom

Cost   $99 standard  |  $59 reduced

Cost note   reduced rate applies to educational, non-profit, and governmental participants

Note   A paid ArcGIS Online subscription is required to use ArcGIS Dashboards. However, workshop participants do not need to have their own account to use during the workshop.

Note   Experience with ArcGIS Online is suggested to participate in this workshop. If you have not previously worked with ArcGIS Online, please consider taking our Getting to Know ArcGIS Online workshop before attending this workshop.

Contact   content - email Shane Bradt or call (603) 862-4277  |  logistics - email Jen Adie  or call (603) 862-1029



Suggested background

Getting to Know ArcGIS Online map

Getting to Know ArcGIS Online




Suggested next steps

ArcGIS Dashboards Tips and Tricks workshop

ArcGIS Dashboards Tips and Tricks 




Extension Professor, Biological Sciences
Extension Professor, Geography
Full Extension State Specialist Professor
Phone: 603-862-4277
Office: Cooperative Extension, Nesmith Hall Room 319, Durham, NH 03824