Mental health challenges have been increasing over the last few years. Approximately 1 in 5 adults live with a mental illness, and that rate is just slightly lower for youth ages 6-17 at 1 in 6 youth experiencing mental illness every year. In New Hampshire, over 200,000 adults have a mental health condition, and 15,000 adolescents (ages 12-17) have depression. Finding care and treatment for mental health conditions can be a challenge. New Hampshire residents face issues with cost and access to providers.
Navigating the many local, state and national resources can be challenging. To help, UNH Extension has created resource guides for each of the 10 counties in the state. These guides are designed for caregivers and supporters to help people experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge. They provide resources for people with emergent issues, as well as those in immediate crisis. Each guide includes local resources that provide mental health services, state resources and national resources and hotlines. These guides are one page (front and back), making them easy to print and hand out.
These resources were developed in part under grant #1H79SM08467101 from the FY2021 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Mental Health Awareness Training Grant.
Community Action Program-Belknap-Merrimack Concord (Main Office) Call 603- 225-3295, Laconia Call 603-524-5512, Franklin Call 603-934-7369, Warner 603-456-2207, Concord 603-225-6880, Suncook 603-485-7824 or visit capbm.org.
The Doorway at Concord Hospital Laconia Call 211 or visit thedoorway.nh.gov/doorway-concord-hospital-laconia. The Doorway provides a complete assessment, coordinated referral to treatment and supportive services for anyone living with a substance use disorder. Walk-ins are welcome.
Lakes Region Mental Health Center Call 603-524-1100 or visit lrmhc.org. The Lakes Region Mental Health Center provides integrated mental and physical health care to children, adults, elders and their families who are living with – and recovering from – mental illness.
Tilton Area Family Resource Center - Parent Information Center of NH Concord Call 603-224-7005, or visit picnh.org.
Tilton Veterans Affairs Clinic Tilton call 603-624-4366, ext. 3199 or visit va.gov.
Winnipesaukee Public Health Network Laconia Call 603-528-2145 or visit pphnh.org.
Carroll County Public Health Network Ossipee Call 603-301-1252 or visit c3ph.org. A community collaboration to promote prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery in the community.
Conway Veterans Affairs Conway Call 800-892-8384, ext. 3199 or visit va.gov.
Memorial Hospital Community Health North Conway Call 603-447-8900 or visit mainehealth. org/memorial-hospital. Offering labs, highly skilled physicians, providers and behavioral health specialists are committed to providing excellent, coordinated health care.
Northern Human Services Call 603-523-7100 or visit northernhs.org. NHS can assist and advocate for people affected by mental illness, developmental disabilities and related disorders in living meaningful lives.
- Family Centered Early Supports and Services (FCESS) - Conway Call 603-447-4356
- The Mental Health Center - Conway Call 603-447-2111
- New Horizons (Developmental Services) - Conway Call 603-356-6921
- New Horizons (Developmental Services) - Tamworth Call 603-323-2354 and 603-323-2302
- The Mental Health Center - Wolfeboro Call 603-569-1884
Tri-County Community Action (TCCAP) Call 603-752-3248 or visit tccap.org. TCCAP can help with utility assistance, transportation, health & well-being for youth & families, and older adult healthy aging and independent living.
The Doorway at Cheshire Medical Center Keene Call 211 or visit cheshiremed.org/community-programs/doorway. The Doorway provides a complete assessment, coordinated referral to treatment and supportive services for anyone living with a substance use disorder. Walk-ins are welcome.
Healthy Monadnock Alliance Keene Call 603-354-5460 or visit healthymonadnockalliance.org. Healthy Monadnock Alliance focuses on behavioral health, emergency preparedness, food access & active living and healthcare access.
Keene Veterans Affairs Clinic Keene Call 603-358-4950 or visit va.gov.
Monadnock Center for Violence Prevention, Inc (MCVP) Keene Call 603-352-3782 24/7 or visit mcvprevention.org. MCVP offers crisis intervention services and prevention education.
Monadnock Family Services (MFS) Keene Call 603-357-4400 or visit mfs.org.
Monadnock Peer Support Keene Call 603-352-5093 or visit monadnockpsa.org. A member-driven organization that compliments and supplements the traditional mental health system.
The River Center Peterborough Call 603-924-6800 or visit rivercenternh.org. The River Center provides parent education, family support, free tax preparation, money coaching, and community connections.
Southwestern Community Services (SCS) Keene Call 603-352-7512 or visit scshelps.org. Find help with affordable housing, fuel assistance, Head Start and family assistance.
Coos County Family Health Call 603-446-2741, Colebrook Call 603-237-4262, Berlin (Willow Street) Call 603-752-3669, Berlin (Pleasant Street) Call 603-752-2040, Berlin (Page Hill Road) Call 603-752-2900 or visit coosfamilyhealth.org.
The Doorway at Androscoggin Valley Hospital Berlin Call 211 or visit avhnh.org/department/the- doorway-at-avh. The Doorway provides a complete assessment, coordinated referral to treatment and supportive services for anyone living with a substance use disorder. Walk-ins are welcome.
The Family Resource Center (FRC) Gorham Call 603-466-5190 or visit frc123.org. FRC offers help for individual and family support, education and resources.
North Country Public Health Network Littleton Call 603-259-3700 or visit nchcnh.org.
Northern Human Services (NHS) Berlin Call 603-752-1005 or visit northernhs.org. NHS can assist and advocate for people affected by mental illness, developmental disabilities and related disorders to live meaningful lives.
RESPONSE - Domestic & Sexual Violence Support Center Call 1-866 662-4200 (24-hour support line). Berlin Call 603-752-5679, Lancaster Call 603-788-8195, Colebrook Call 603-237-5384 or visit responsenh.org. Response is a non-profit, confidential, non-discriminatory, community-based organization, designed to provide free trauma-informed services to all individuals impacted by sexual and domestic violence.
Tri-County Community Action (TCCAP) Call 603-752-3248 or visit tccap.org. TCCAP can help with utility assistance, transportation, health & well-being for youth & families, and older adult healthy aging and independent living.
Central New Hampshire Public Health Network Plymouth Call 603-536-9793 or visit cnhhp.org.
The Doorway Operated by Dartmouth-Hitchcock Hospital Lebanon Call 211 or visit dartmouth-hitchcock.org/psychiatry/doorway. The Doorway provides a complete assessment, coordinated referral to treatment and supportive services for anyone living with a substance use disorder. Walk-ins are welcome.
Headrest Lebanon Call 603-448-4872 or visit headrest.org. Assisting those affected by substance use disorder.
Lakes Region Mental Health Center Laconia and Plymouth Call 603-524-1100 or visit lrmhc.org. Provides integrated mental & physical health care for those living with and recovering from mental illness.
North Country Public Health Network Littleton Call 603-259-3700 or visit nchcnh.org.
Northern Human Services Call 603-447-3347 or visit northernhs.org. Assists and advocates for people affected by mental illness, developmental disabilities and related disorders to live meaningful lives.
TLC Family Resource Center Lebanon Call 603-790-3779 or visit tlcfamilyrc.org.
Tri-County Community Action (TCCAP) Call 603-752-3248 or visit tccap.org. TCCAP can help with utility assistance, transportation, health & well-being for youth & families, and older adult healthy aging and independent living.
Upper Valley Public Health Network Lebanon Call 603-523-7100 or visit uvpublichealth.org.
West Central Behavioral Health Lebanon Call 603-448-0126 or visit wcbh.org.
Center for Life Management Derry & Salem Call 603-434-1577 or visit centerforlifemanagement.org.
The Doorway Call 211 The Doorway provides a complete assessment, coordinated referral to treatment and supportive services for anyone living with a substance use disorder. Walk-ins are welcome.
The Doorway of Greater Manchester visit thedoorway.nh.gov/doorway-grater-manchester.
The Doorway of Greater Nashua visit thedoorway.nh.gov/doorway-greater-nashua.
Families in Transition Manchester Call 603-641-9441 or visit fitnh.org. Providing several housing options to support low-income families and individuals experiencing homelessness.
The Farnum Center Manchester Call 603-622-3020 or visit farnumcenter.org. Offering several levels of addiction treatment for alcohol and other drugs.
Greater Manchester Public Health Network Call 603-624-6466 or visit mymanchesternh.com/Region.
Greater Nashua Mental Health Nashua Call 603-889-6147 or visit gnmhc.org.
Greater Nashua Public Health Network Call 603-589-4547 or visit nashuanh.gov/644/Greater-Nashua-Public-Health-Network-Ser.
The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester Manchester Call 603-668-4111 or visit mhcgm.org.
Southern NH Services Manchester Call 603-668-8010 or visit snhs.org. A community action program helping families with health, housing, employment-related assistance and more in Hillsborough and Rockingham Counties.
Capital Area Public Health Network (CAPHN) Concord Call 603-224-2595 or visit capitalareaphn.org.
Community Action Program Franklin Call 603-934-7369, Warner 603-456-2207, Concord 603-225-6880, Suncook 603-485-7824 or visit capbm.org.
Concord Veterans Affairs Clinic Concord Call 603-624-4366 or visit va.gov.
The Doorway at Concord Concord Call 211 or visit riverbendcmhc.org/the-doorway-at-concord. The Doorway provides a complete assessment, coordinated referral to treatment and supportive services for anyone living with a substance use disorder. Walk-ins are welcome.
Riverbend Community Mental Health (RCMH) Concord Call 603-226-7505 or visit riverbendcmhc.org. RCMH is a private nonprofit organization providing specialized behavioral health services in central New Hampshire.
- Emergency Services - Concord Call 833-710-6477
- Choices - Concord Call 844-524-6673
- Children’s Programs - Concord Call 603-228-0547
- Community Support Programs - Concord Call 603-225-0123
- Franklin Office Call 603-934-3400
Waypoint: A Family & Community Resource Center Concord Call 603-518-4000 or visit waypointnh.org.
Austin 17 House Brentwood Call 603-770-6374 or visit austin17house.org. A youth and family community center.
Center for Life Management Derry and Salem 603-434-1577, for 24/7 acute care services Call 603-434-1577 option 1, or visit centerforlifemanagement.org.
The Derry Friendship Center Derry Call 603-432-9794 or visit thederryfriendshipcenter.org. The Friendship Center aims to reduce the stigma associated with substance use and provide a safe space for peer-based support.
Greater Seacoast Community Health - Families First Portsmouth Call 603-422-8208, Goodwin Community Health Somersworth Call 603-749-2346, Lilac City Pediatrics Somersworth & Portsmouth Call 603-749-2346, or visit getcommunityhealth.org.
Haven Portsmouth & Epping Call 603-994-7233 (24 hour confidential support) or Call 603-436-4107 or visit havennh.org. Support for all people affected by domestic and sexual violence.
Seacoast Mental Health Center Portsmouth Call 603-431-6703, Exeter Call 603-772-2710 or visit smhc-nh.org
Seacoast Outright Portsmouth Call 603-552-5824 or visit seacoastoutright.org. A resource for LGBTQ+ youth.
Southern NH Services Manchester Call 603-668-8010 or visit snhs.org. A community action program helping families with health, housing, employment-related assistance and more in Hillsborough and Rockingham Counties.
The Upper Room Derry Call 603-437-8477 or visit urteachers.org. The Upper Room is a family resource center.
Community Action Partnership of Strafford County Dover & Rochester Call 603-435-2500, emergency on-call 603-435-2500 or visit straffordcap.org. Dedicated to helping clients improve their economic stability and well-being through education, advocacy, and partnerships.
Community Partners Call 603-516-9300 or visit communitypartnersnh.org. Provides quality developmental and mental health services to meet the needs of families and individuals.
The Doorway Operated by Wentworth-Douglas Hospital Dover Call 211 or visit wdhospital.org/wdh/services-and-specialties/the-doorway. The Doorway provides a complete assessment, coordinated referral to treatment and supportive services for anyone living with a substance use disorder. Walk-ins are welcome.
Greater Seacoast Community Health Call 603-749-2346 or visit getcommunityhealth.org. A network of doctors, dentists, counselors, educators and other health and family service providers, working to treat the whole person.
Infinity Peer Support Rochester Call 603-948-1036 or visit infinitypeersupport.org. Dedicated to building a community with an alternative, peer-oriented approach to mental health wellness and recovery.
SOS Recovery - Community Organization Dover Call 603-841-2350 or visit sosrco.org. Peers seeking to find or maintain recovery from drug use & their allies working together to create safe spaces & peer-based recovery supports.
Seacoast Outright Portsmouth Call 603-552-5824 or visit seacoastoutright.org. A resource for LGBTQ+ youth.
The Triangle Club Dover Call 603-742-9803 or visit triangleclubdovernh.org. Offers peer-driven recovery support groups and a welcoming community that empower those who are powerless over substances.
The Doorway Operated by Cheshire Medical Center Keene Call 211 or visit cheshiremed.org/ community-programs/doorway. The Doorway provides a complete assessment, coordinated referral to treatment and supportive services for anyone living with a substance use disorder. Walk-ins are welcome.
Greater Sullivan Public Health Network (A partnership with Dartmouth Health) Claremont visit gscphn.org.
Greater Sullivan Strong Claremont Visit greatersullivanstrong.org.
Southwestern Community Services (SCS) Claremont Call 603-542-9528 or visit scshelps.org. Find help with affordable housing, fuel assistance, Head Start and family assistance.
TLC Family Resource Center Claremont Call 603-542-1848 or visit tlcfamilyrc.org. Promotes mental and emotional wellness for all ages.
Turning Points Network Emergency Call 800-639-3130 24/7 or text 603-506-6553 M-F, 9am-4pm or visit turningpointsnetwork.org. Turning Points Network’s mission is to enhance the safety and well-being of victims and survivors of domestic and sexual abuse and stalking. Claremont Call 603-542-0155 and Newport Call 800-639-3130.
West Central Behavioral Health - If you need immediate help, please call our 24/7 Mobile Crisis Response hotline at 1-833-710-6477, New Clients/Intake Line 603-542-5128 or visit www.wcbh.org
- Newport - Newport Child & Family Services Call 603-863-1951
- Newport - Adult Residential Services Arbor View Call 603-863-1785
- Claremont - Adult Outpatient Services Call 603-542-2578
- Claremont - Child & Family Services Call 603-542-5449
AARP New Hampshire visit states.aarp.org/new-hampshire or National aarp.org
Aging and Disability Resource Centers formerly known as ServiceLink Call 866-634-9412 or visit dhhs.nh.gov/programs-services/adult-aging-care/servicelink. A program of the NH Department of Health and Human Services. The Resource Center contracts with local agencies to help aging adults and persons with disabilities access long-term services, caregiving resources, and Medicare and Medicaid information.
Bureau of Aging & Adult Services Concord Call 603-271-9203 or visit dhhs.nh.gov/programs-services/adult-aging-care. Information and resources from the NH Department of Health and Human Services for adutls age 60 and older and adults between the ages of 18 and 60 with a chronic illness or disability.
Consumer Sourcebook - Schemes, Swindles & Scams Call 603-271-3641 or visit doj.nh.gov/consumer/sourcebook/schemes-swindles-scams. The Sourcebook by the NH Department of Justice, educates consumers on common types of fraud, including Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, phony job offers, false billings, and more.
Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation Unit Call 603-271-3658. or visit doj.nh.gov/citizens/elder-abuse-and-financial-exploitation-unit. This is a program of the NH Department of Justice and investigates and prosecutes crimes involving elderly victims of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation. (For emergencies, call 911.)
Granite State Independent Living (GSIL) Call 603-228-9680 or visit gsil.org. GSIL is a statewide not-for-profit providing information, education, support, transition services, and advocacy to aging adults and adults with disabilities who want to remain independent.
Long-term Care Ombudsman (OLTC) Concord Call 800-735-2964 or visit dhhs.nh.gov/long-term-care-ombudsman-oltc. OLTC investigates and resolves complaints or problems concerning long-term facilities.
NH 211 Call 211 or visit 211nh.org. 211 NH provides the residents of NH with easy and accurate access to health and human services to meet their needs daily and in times of crisis.
NH Care Path Call 866-634-9412 or visit nhcarepath.org, NH Care Path connects people to services and resources for aging, disability, independent living, counseling, financial planning, mental health, transportation and more.
NH Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Call 603-666-7510. or visit hud.gov/states/new_hampshire/homeownership/seniors. HUD works to provide and strengthen affordable quality housing for all New Hampshire residents. there are resources specifically helpful for older adults with housing needs.
NH Department of Revenue Administration Call 603-230-5920 or visit revenue.nh.gov/faq/low-moderate. the NH Department of Revenue Administration offers property-tax relief programs for older adults who qualify.
NH Easy Gateway to Services Call 800-852-3345 or visit nheasy.nh.gov. NH Easy is a website where you can learn what public programs you may be eligible to receive and learn about how to apply, track, and manage public assistance programs.
NH Legal Aid Call 800-639-5290. NH Legal Aid assists low-income adults who need legal representation and advice, information and support. They can help with bakruptcy, housing, veterans, healthcare, employment and more.
NH Medicaid's Non-Emergency Transportation Program Call 833-303-0653 or visit dhhs.nh.gov/programs-services/medicaid. Medicaid recipients can book a free ride to and from a Medicaid covered appointment through the One Call program or a managed care organization.
REAP - Referral, Education, Assistance and Prevention Program Call 866-634-9412 or visit smhc-nh.org/our-services/older-adult-services-reap. REAP counselors are available by phone or in your home to provide you or your loved ones with information and resources on how to deal with life changes including loss and grief.
Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice for Vermont and New Hampshire is a team of home health experts associated with Dartmouth Health for communities in NH and VT. Call 888-300-8853 or visit vnhcare.org.
WellnessLink Call 866-452-1693 or visit wellnesslinknh.org. Provides no-cost-information and coordination designed to support well-being, and to protect your physical, mental, and emotional health.
AARP Family Caregiving Resource Line Call 877-713-3495 or 888-971-2013 (en espanol). Connect with a real person and learn how to access local resources via our toll-free family caregiving hotline.
Commitment to Connect visit connect2affect.org. Resources and tools to overcome socail isolation.
Disaster Distress Helpline Call 800-985-5990 or visit samhsa.gov/find-help/disaster-distress-helpline. A national toll-free, multilingual, crisis support service that is available 24/7 to all residents in the U.S. and its territories. The hotline is dedicated to providing year-round disaster crisis counseling for those who are experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.
Find National Addiction Help at:
For support for mental health, drug, and alcohol issues visit samhsa.gov/find-support
To locate treatment facilities or providers visit FindTreatment.gov or call the helpline at 800-662-HELP (4357).
Senior Law Project (SLP) Call 888-353-9944. The SLP offers legal assistance to persons over age 60. It offers legal advice, brief services, and representation to those who qualify. Common areas of assistance include financial exploitation, food stamps, utility shutoffs, disputes with long-term care facilities, and more.
Senior Planet from AARP Call 888-713-3495 or visit seniorplanet.org. Senior Planet offers classes, articles, videos, and activities to help older adults learn new skills, save money, exercise, make new friends, and more.
Social Security Administration Call 800-772-1213 or visit ssa.gov. The Social Security Administration provides information on retirement benefits, when and how to apply for them, how to manage them and more.
Veterans Crisis Line: Suicide Prevention Hotline, Text and Chat Veterans and their loved ones can call 988 and press 1. Chat online at veteranscrisisline.net/get-help-now/chat or text 838255 to receive confidential support 24/7. Support for deaf and hard of hearing individuals is available.