Merrimack County 2020 Highlights

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A Year in Review: Merrimack County, 2020

Merrimack County Contributions: $434,930

State Contributions: $705,380 (In 2020, for every $1.00 Merrimack County contributed, UNH provided $1.62 of statewide resources).

Total Extension Value to Merrimack County: $2M

Agricultural Support

Developed a program with N.H. Dept. of Agriculture to expend CARES Act funds for farms hurt by the pandemic. Staff assisted farmers with writing applications for these funds.

$200,907 distributed to farms

Created a comprehensive online map to generate business for local farms, which included a “Find a Farm Job” link.

17,999 pageviews

662 job link clicks

Forest Land Management Technical Assistance

$107,764 generated in timber production and tax revenue

Provided technical assistance to woodlot owners resulting in improved acreage through forest management practices.

77 large woodlot owners

4,119 acres

Online Food Access Map

Created an online map for food insecure families.

375 total sites

33 Merrimack sites

Community Capacity-building

Helped communities secure $489,000 in grants and resources to implement projects

• $205K - Concord Makerspace

• $167K - In-Town Concord

• $67K - Overcomers Refugee Services of Concord

• $30K - Northfield Trails and Recreation Committee

150 local entrepreneurs participated in monthly One Million Cups events hosted by Extension staff in Concord.

Youth and Families

50 families participated in a 4-H homestyle camping activity designed by Merrimack County 4-H.

Created virtual spaces for youth to foster connection.


452 volunteers

21,569 hours

$565,744 value of volunteer time (State Values of Volunteer Time (NH): $26.23;
