National 4-H Dairy Conference

September 29th – October 2nd, 2024

  • national dairy conference


National 4-H Dairy Conference is a three-and-a-half-day conference held annually in Madison, Wisconsin, in conjunction with the World Dairy Expo.  This premier event is designed to assist 4-H youth in learning more about the dairy industry. Youth explore dairy careers, debate contemporary issues facing the dairy industry, and partake in technical dairy workshops while staying in the heart of the dairy industry. Delegates will share ideas, interests, and concerns with peers nationwide, and practice leadership, communication, and group participation skills.

Candidates must be between 15 - 18 years of age as of 1/1 to apply.

Applications due July 1, 2024 to

To learn more about National 4-H Dairy Conference visit their website.

Info you Need to Know

Criteria for Applying to National 4-H Dairy Conference

  • Must be between the ages of 15-18 years old.
  • Applicants should have the desire to learn more about the dairy industry and embrace it as part of the trip as well as an interest in the marketing and processing of dairy products.
  • 4-H members exhibiting at World Dairy Expo or participating in the National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest are not eligible to attend National 4-H Dairy Conference during that year.
  • Must plan on being a part of the NH Teen Leadership Program for the 2024-2025 year (County Teen Leadership, 4-H Community Ambassador, 4-H STEM Ambassador, 4-H Ag-Ambassador, Teen Conference Commissioner or other similar leadership roles) to share knowledge and experiences from the trip with local 4-H members and community.

Application Process for National 4-H Dairy Conference

A 4-H member can only attend National 4-H Dairy Conference one time as a participant.

  • Application submitted by email to 4-H staff by July 1, 2024
  • (1) professional recommendation required
  • Candidates will be selected by a panel of 4-H staff, dairy project volunteers, and dairy industry professionals
  • Preference will be given to applicants that have been involved of multiple aspects of the dairy project area, and have taken leadership roles at the county or state level, especially as a 4-H Ag Ambassadors
  • To learn more about National 4-H Dairy Conference visit their website

Why should you participate in NH 4-H Marketing YOU:

When you combine all that you have learned through your participation in 4-H with your education, volunteerism, and leadership experiences it becomes quickly apparent that you have a lot to offer. Learning effective self-marketing strategies provides an advantage when applying for scholarships, awards, to colleges, and employment. The NH 4-H Marketing YOU experience helps develop skills to effectively communicate accomplishments, develop confidence during interviews, and increases knowledge of business etiquette to distinguish yourself from other applicants in a competitive marketplace.

Creating Your Video for National 4-H Dairy Conference

  • While at the National 4-H Dairy Conference, you will have the opportunity to meet with dairy industry leaders and discuss your involvement with dairy farming. For the video portion of this application, please address an issue in the dairy industry that you are passionate about, and how attending National 4-H Dairy Conference will help you dive deeper into the issue.
    • Introduce yourself and your connection to the dairy industry
    • Describe the issue and how it affects your community
    • Why is this issue important to you?
    • How will attending National 4-H Dairy Conference help you to gain a better understanding of the issue, and the changes required to address it
  • Dress in business attire, as you are presenting yourself as a 4-Her that is traveling to see our representatives.
  • Your video should be 2-4 minutes long; use the “Anatomy of an Elevator Pitch” to help guide you.

When You Are At National 4-H Dairy Conference

Youth will explore dairy careers, debate contemporary issues facing the dairy industry, and partake in technical dairy workshops while staying in the heart of the dairy industry.

Chosen participants will travel to Madison Wisconsin with 4-H advisors from New Hampshire.  All trip logistics will be handled by the NH 4-H State office from airport to lodging and return.  Participants will be responsible for transportation to and from the airport, as well as any meals outside of meals provided at the conference.

There is a $300 Family Contribution required for all National Award trip attendees but this is not intended to be a barrier for participation. Please contact 4-H Program Manager should this fee present a challenge.
