New Hampshire 4-H Community Ambassador

  • teens working on a project plan

FAQ Sheet


What age does the Youth Leadership Team start? 

You can be a Youth Leadership Team member at age 12.   

What age do I have to be to be a 4-H Community Ambassador? 

You can apply to be a 4-H Community Ambassador at age 14. 

What is the difference between being on the Youth Leadership Team in my county and 4-H Community Ambassadors? 

Youth Leadership Team members have been approved by their county 4-H Program Manager and attend the Teen Leadership Retreat in October.  They return to their counties to work locally with their teen advisor to create a safe place for our emerging leaders to practice their leadership skills in youth-adult partnership.  They will work to create an inclusive environment, facilitating group norms and discussions, planning events or outings that are interesting to them and their peers, navigating conflict management, developing compassion, and understanding of others, and giving their hands to larger service through local service-learning projects determined by the group.  The county teen leadership program strives to understand each participant and invite them to challenge themselves through taking on leadership roles and mentor roles as they are presented.    

4-H Community Ambassadors have shared their interest with the state 4-H Teen Leadership Field Specialist and commit to working in youth-adult partnership with teens from all over the state.  They participate in trainings and workshops where they learn skills that will help them uphold the program’s pillars of career and academic development, leadership development and creating a teach back or give back capstone project.  They will also gain skills related to promoting 4-H throughout the state.  They learn how to effectively tell their 4-H story to a variety of audiences such as legislators, donors, leaders and potential 4-Hers. They also learn skills to help them present a positive 4-H image in various situations, especially within their experiences as participants at 4-H National Conference. 

Do I have to become a 4-H Community Ambassador to apply for National Conference? 

No, but priority will be given to the teen leaders that serve in this role.

If I am selected as a 4-H Community Ambassador, how long do I serve in that role?

One year.  You must re-apply through the Interest Form annually. 

What are the costs associated with being a 4-H Community Ambassador? 

We try very hard to keep the costs low.  You will receive 4-H Community Ambassador apparel at no cost.  The annual October Teen Leadership Retreat holds a cost, which can be offset by county scholarship funds.  As the 4-H Community Ambassadors facilitate the Winter T(w)een Retreat there is no cost to them to attend.  There is a family contribution of $300 per participant for national trips, though the group can fundraise together or individually to help offset that cost. You will be responsible for your own travel costs to and from events/meetings.  

I havent been in 4-H my whole life, should I even apply? 

If you have had an experience in 4-H that has positively impacted your life and you meet the minimum criteria below, then YES!  

  • Must be between the ages of 14-18 years old 

  • Must have participated as a county Youth Leadership Team member and/or other statewide leadership role for at least (1) year 

  • Be available for in-person and virtual meetings, willing to facilitate virtual meetings, and have a desire to collaborate and learn from others 

I am involved in a lot of 4-H clubs and school activities, should I still apply?  

That depends on you!  How you prioritize your time is a decision for you to make, but you should consider how involved you can be and if you can make the commitment.  Between in-person and virtual meetings you may also be asked to help out at a teen event or share your experiences with a group of 4-Hers or plan a sledding outing to boost winter blues.  If you believe you can prioritize being a 4-H Community Ambassador along with your other responsibilities (school/friends/family/sports/theater/etc.) then YES!  

What will I gain if I become a 4-H Community Ambassador? 

What you get will be directly driven by what you give in this program.  For starters you will gain new friends, supportive adults, exposure to social intelligence and professional skills, leadership development, and community service hours. Your resume will be boosted by soft skills like problem solving abilities, teamwork, motivation, and communication.  

Why now? 

If you have been honing your communication and teamwork skills at the local level for a few years and are ready to put yourself out there to create a larger space for growth, then now is the time to think about statewide leadership.  If you find yourself drawn to more local level impact, then taking on a stronger leadership role within your county Youth Leadership Team may be where you want to continue to grow.  Both are terrific opportunities!  


State 4-H Teen Leadership Program Manager
Extension Field Specialist, 4-H Teen Leadership
Phone: 617-875-3125
Office: UNH Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824