Pricing List for all Soil Test Options

In addition to the standard analyses, soil tests may be customized to meet your individual testing needs.  At the link below, you will find a complete printable list of the standard tests, available options, and prices (effective January 2018). For more information about the soil testing service or for help filling out a soil test form, please call 603-862-0509 or email

Home Grounds & Garden  
Standard Gardening  Includes extractable calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, soil pH, organic matter content, and a lead screening analysis. Both conventional and organic fertilizer recommendations are given $20.00
Soil pH only Soil pH - lime recommendations only $8.00
Organic Matter Content Percentage of organic matter content $4.00
Texture class  Percentage of sand, silt, & clay particles and the corresponding textural class $30.00
Micronutrients  Includes extractable copper, iron, manganese & zinc $8.00
Heavy Metals Determines the total sorbed levels of cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, chromium & zinc using EPA methods $100.00
Non-Commercial Hay & Pasture
Field Soil Test Includes extractable calcium, magnesium, potassium & phosphorus, along with pH & Mehlich lime buffer pH. Results include Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), base saturations & phosphorus saturation $16.00
Organic Matter  Percentage of organic matter content $4.00
Texture Class  Percentage of sand, silt, & clay particles and the corresponding textural class $30.00
Micronutrients  Includes extractable copper, iron, manganese & zinc $8.00
Soil pH only Soil pH, lime recommendations only $8.00
Heavy Metals Determines the total sorbed levels of cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, chromium & zinc using EPA methods $100.00
Commercial Fruit     
Field Soil Test  Includes extractable calcium, magnesium, potassium & phosphorus, along with pH & Mehlich lime buffer pH. Results include Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), base saturations & phosphorus saturation $16.00
Organic Matter  Percentage of organic matter content $4.00
Texture Class  Percentage of sand, silt, & clay particles and the corresponding textural class $30.00
Micronutrients  Includes extractable copper, iron, manganese & zinc $8.00
Soil pH only Soil pH, lime recommendations only $8.00
Heavy Metals Determines the total sorbed levels of cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, chromium & zinc using EPA methods $100.00
Commercial Vegetable    
Field Soil Test Includes extractable calcium, magnesium, potassium & phosphorus, along with pH & Mehlich lime buffer pH. Results include Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), base saturations & phosphorus saturation $16.00
Organic Matter  Percentage of organic matter content $4.00
Texture Class  Percentage of sand, silt, & clay particles and the corresponding textural class $30.00
Micronutrients  Includes extractable copper, iron, manganese & zinc $8.00
Soil pH only Soil pH - lime recommendations only $8.00
Heavy Metals  Determines the total sorbed   levels of cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, chromium & zinc using EPA methods $100.00
High Tunnel    
New Tunnel Test Includes pH, Macronutrients and organic matter content $20.00
Established Tunnel Test Includes New Tunnel test and Soluble Salts $28.00
Nitrate - Nitrogen    $10.00
Ammonium - Nitrogen    $12.00
Micronutrients  Includes extractable copper, iron, manganese & zinc $8.00
Soluble Salts    $8.00
Commercial Field Nursery  
Nursery Field Soil Includes extractable calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and soil pH. Conventional fertilizer recommendations $16.00
Organic Matter Content Percentage of organic matter content $4.00
Micronutrients  Includes extractable copper, iron, manganese & zinc $8.00
Soil pH only Soil pH, lime recommendations only $8.00
Texture Class  Percentage of sand, silt, & clay particles and the corresponding textural class $30.00
Commercial Landscape    
Standard Landscape  Includes extractable calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and soil pH. Conventional fertilizer recommendations $16.00
Organic Matter  Percentage of organic matter content $4.00
Micronutrients  Includes extractable copper, iron, manganese & zinc $8.00
Soil pH only  Soil pH - lime recommendations only $8.00
Organic Landscape   Recommendations  Includes extractable calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, organic matter content and soil pH. Organic fertilizer recommendations $20.00
Texture class  Percentage of sand, silt, & clay particles and the corresponding textural class $30.00
Heavy Metals  Determines the total sorbed levels of cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, chromium & zinc using EPA methods $100.00
Commercial Corn, Forage & Pasture  
Field Soil Test  Includes extractable calcium, magnesium, potassium & phosphorus, along with pH & Mehlich lime   buffer pH. Results include Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), base saturations & phosphorus saturation $16.00
Organic Matter  Content Percentage of organic matter content $4.00
Texture Class  Percentage of sand, silt, & clay particles and the corresponding textural class $30.00
Micronutrients  Includes extractable copper, iron, manganese & zinc $8.00
Heavy Metals Determines the total sorbed levels of cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, chromium & zinc using EPA methods $100.00
Soil pH only Soil pH - lime recommendations only $8.00
Standard Compost, Feedstock   Analysis  includes percent solids (and   moisture), organic matter, pH, soluble salts, total nitrogen, total carbon   and the carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:N). This test is recommended as an initial test for feedstocks to help determine appropriate mixing ratios $50.00
Standard Compost, Extracted   Macro Nutrients  includes standard feedstock plus ammonium nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium $65.00
Standard Compost, Total   Nutrients  includes standard feedstock plus ammonium nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, copper, iron, sulfur and zinc $80.00
Heavy Metals Determines the total sorbed levels of cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, chromium & zinc using EPA methods $100.00
Christmas Trees    
Field Soil Test  Includes extractable calcium, magnesium, potassium & phosphorus, along with pH & Mehlich lime   buffer pH. Results include Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), base saturations & phosphorus saturation.  $16.00
Organic Matter  Percentage of organic matter content $4.00
Texture Class  Percentage of sand, silt, & clay particles and the corresponding textural class $30.00
Micronutrients  Includes extractable copper, iron, manganese & zinc $8.00
Soil pH only Soil pH - lime recommendations only $8.00
Biosolids   test  Includes organic matter determination extractable calcium, magnesium, potassium, & phosphorus,   with pH & Mehlich lime buffer pH. Results include Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), base saturations & phosphorus saturation $20.00
Micronutrients  Includes extractable copper, iron, manganese & zinc $8.00
Heavy Metals  Determines the total sorbed levels of cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, chromium & zinc using EPA methods $100.00
Non-Standard Tests    
Soluble Salts    $8.00
Total Lead    $27.00
Arsenic    $27.00
Mercury    $35.00
Molybdenum    $27.00
Selenium    $27.00
Arsenic, Selenium & Molybdenum  $65.00
Soil Nitrate    $10.00
Sand Sieve Analysis   $35.00
Boron   $10.00
Plant Tissue Test    $30.00

Pricing List for all Soil Test Options


Extension State Specialist, Soil Health
Phone: (603) 696-4073
Office: UNH Cooperative Extension Food and Agriculture, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824

Diagnostic Services Program Manager
Phone: (603) 862-3200
Office: UNH Cooperative Extension, Food & Agriculture, 312 Kendall Hall, Durham, NH 03824