Seaperch is an innovative underwater robotics program that equips youth and adult teachers and mentors with the resources they need to build a functional underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). Youth build a Seaperch from low-cost, common materials and learn basic engineering and science concepts in a marine engineering environment. Seacoast Seaperch provides youth with opportunities to learn STEM skills while building an underwater ROV and can be part of a classroom, after school or youth development program such as 4-H. Throughout the project, students learn engineering concepts, problem solving, teamwork, and technical skills.
Seaperch is run nationally by Robonation and locally by UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and UNH Extension. We provide workshops for educators, programs for schools and an annual competition at UNH, the Seacoast Seaperch Challenge.
For more information contact:
Seacoast Seaperch Challenge - Tara Hicks Johnson at tjohnson@ccom.unh.edu
Seaperch in 4-H and After school – Claes Thelemarck claes.thelemarck@unh.edu
Seaperch in Schools – Libby Hite at PNS-STEM-Program.fct@navy.mil
Seacoast Seaperch Challenge is an annual competition held at UNH every spring for youth to navigate their Seaperch ROV’s through various challenges to qualify for an opportunity to compete at the International Seaperch Challenge.
The competition includes an obstacle course, a Mission involving finding and moving objects, and a technical design report where students report their build experience to a panel of judges. The 2022 Seacoast Seaperch challenge is tentatively scheduled for Friday, April 8, 2022 at UNH. Complete event information will be posted soon.
Seaperch Educator Workshops
Seacoast Seaperch regularly offers one day training program open to educators and youth leaders, interested in running classroom programs or coaching youth a Seaperch club or team. The training typically includes building a Seaperch and learning about organizing a Seaperch Club/Team for the Seacoast Seaperch Challenge covering startup costs, school teams and 4-H clubs, safety, finding local sponsors, general resources and competition details. For more information about upcoming educator workshops contact Tara Hicks Johnson at tjohnson@ccom.unh.edu.
Seacoast Seaperch is a collaborative effort between the UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM), the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and UNH Cooperative Extension.