Annotated bibliography of Social, Emotional and Mindful Learning curriculum appropriate for implementation in 4-H Clubs and other afterschool, youth development and school-based settings. These resources include evidence- and research-based programs for all ages/grades of youth.
BE SAFE: Safe, Affirming & Fair Environments: Be SAFE is designed to help young people ages 11 to 14 and adults work in partnership to create environments that are physically and emotionally safe. It draws from extensive research from a variety of key disciplines – as well as evidence-based bullying prevention programs. Be SAFE includes engaging activities that promote social and emotional learning and development, address and prevent bullying and foster positive relationships with peers and adults. Designed for use in out-of-school time settings (such as 4-H, Boys and Girls Clubs, Scouts and afterschool programs), Be SAFE also applies to middle school settings. Cost is $80 at the 4-H Mall. (224 pages)
GEM: Get Experience In Mindfulness: GEM is an Awareness and Acceptance Stress Management Program for ages 10 and up – adults too! This program places an emphasis on stress management taught through practical and interactive mindfulness-based activities to facilitate experiential learning. The program is a research based and theory driven program that meets National Health Education Standards, through five (5) lessons: 1) Intentions and Goal Setting, 2) Awareness and Attention, 3) Self-care: Stress Reduction and Relaxation, 4) Communication and Relationships, 5) Gratitude and Acceptance. Activities incorporate a basic understanding of what mindfulness is and how to integrate it into daily life, 25 Yoga poses, 5 breathing exercises, the basics of visualization and contemplation practice, and relaxation techniques. Cost is $80 at the 4-H Mall. (108 pages)
Mindful Me: A 4-H Primary Mindfulness Curriculum: This program includes ten (10) experiential activities for children ages 5-8 (Cloverbud 4-Hers and other young children) to introduce them to basic mindfulness practices. Activities revolve around a reading of highly engaging children's picture books related to mindful themes, including Mindful Eating, Affirmations, the Gift of Presence, Describing Feelings, Mood Management, Quiet Listening, and Yoga. Mindful Me is a great resource for engaging children and encouraging a mindful practice. The program can be be co-led by an older Teen Teacher with the support of an Adult Mentor. Click for a web training on Mindful Me with co-author Kendra Lewis, PhD. Cost is $39.95 at the 4-H Mall (not including the picture books). (52 pages)
Mindful Mechanics: A 4-H Mindfulness Curriculum for Adolescents and Adults: This program includes eleven (11) experiential activities for teens and adults to introduce them to basic mindfulness practices. Activities revolve the same themes as Mindful Me, and is designed to give teens an understanding of mindfulness so that they can lead Mindful Me with an adult co-leader. Cost is $45.00 at the 4-H Mall with a companion journal ($39.95 without the journal). (96 pages)
The Mind Up! Curriculum: Brain-Focused Strategies for Learning --and Living: Mind Up! has three (3) age and development appropriate versions for grades pre-K-2, grades 3-5 and grades 6-8. Each curriculum includes 15 lessons with many hands-on activities and additional extended learning and literature links. The lessons are grouped into four (4) units: I) Getting Focused, II) Sharpening Your Senses, III) It's All About Attitude, and IV) Taking Action Mindfully. Developed and researched by The Goldie Hawn Foundation, this evidence-based curriculum is recognized as a CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning) SELect program that can be implemented in a both school and out-of-school time settings. 'Based firmly in neuroscience, MindUP teaches the skills and knowledge children need to regulate their stress and emotion, form positive relationships, and act with kindness and compassion.' Cost is $24.99 per curriculum (available at many online sites for less). (160 pages)