County Contributions: $2.9M
State Contributions: $7.6M
These contributions leveraged an additional $7.7M in federal funds, grants, program income and gifts.
Agricultural Support
Developed a program with N.H. Dept. of Agriculture to expend CARES Act funds for farms hurt by the pandemic. Staff assisted farmers with writing applications for these funds.
$1.5M distributed to farms
Created Food and Agriculture COVID information webpage.
5,676 total pageviews
25 blog posts
400-900 unique pageviews per blog
Forest Land Management Technical Assistance
$1.1M generated in timber production and tax revenue
Provided technical assistance to woodlot owners resulting in improved acreage through forest management practices.
861 large woodlot owners
53,650 acres improved
Natural Resources professionals offered workshops to help N.H. foresters and loggers gain or maintain state certification.
161 workshops
100 N.H. Licensed Foresters
200 N.H. Certified Loggers
Communty Capacity-building
Specialists worked with: 1,379 agricultural businesses, 289 natural resources businesses, 502 other businesses
Youth and Families
11,931 youth participated in 4-H/Extension programs
$3.5M extramural funds
$928K grant
Extension received a SAMHSA grant to provide resources and workshops to help fight the opioid epidemic.
COVID-19 Safety Training
Developed training to educate organizations and volunteers on how to keep safe while volunteering outdoors.
198 organizations
2,287 volunteers
4,022 volunteers
158,881 hours
$4.1M value of volunteer time (State Values of Volunteer Time, N.H.: $26.23;
COVID-19 Response
During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, UNH Extension staff and specialists identified and addressed critical needs online or through physical distancing. Some of our work included:• Connecting residents with food and essential supplies• Supporting and collaborating with farmers • Helping businesses navigate executive orders • Providing educational resources to K-12 parents, students and teachers • Sharing practical information about sanitation and public health • Guiding conversations about mental health
Healthcare Savings
$8.1M in healthcare savings
Extension’s Nutrition Connections program for low-income participants provided millions in savings on future healthcare system costs (based on research showing that every $1 spent on healthcare education yields $10 savings in future healthcare costs. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, An Economic Evaluation of the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program:
Trusted Source for Green Industries
Extension is the primary source of research-based information for the state in the areas of agriculture, landscape services, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture. These industries account for numerous jobs and a high economic impact for our state (Farm Credit East, 2020).
“I have relied on UNH Cooperative Extension many times over the years. Extension has been my ‘go to’ for answers to my questions regarding farming and ag business. When COVID-19 put a wrench in farm operations, Extension was the first place I called. Without the guidance of Extension in 2020, my little farm would no longer be in business.”
-Eric Milligan, New Hampshire Mushroom Company, LLC