UNH Extension Mission & Vision


UNH Cooperative Extension strengthens people and communities in New Hampshire by providing trusted knowledge, practical education and cooperative solutions.


For over 100 years, UNH Cooperative Extension’s innovative, energetic and connected staff and volunteers have been developing and promoting contemporary, practical education to meet New Hampshire’s needs.

As we look ahead to the next 100 years of service to New Hampshire’s people and communities, we will build upon our productive and accomplished history in the following ways:

  • We will keep our longstanding promise to meet people where they are by using effective technologies, online learning platforms and face-to-face interactions that match the ways people learn and engage, while continuing to provide the customized, in-person programming and assistance that is the hallmark of our services.
  • We will forge new connections and relationships with people who are unaware or under-served by our programming, while bringing people with diverse perspectives, experiences and expertise together to find practical solutions to the issues they care about.
  • We will rise to the new challenges facing our state, including the growing impacts of climate change and our aging population, while continuing to provide the expert resources and advice in established focus areas that so many rely on.

This vision meaningfully reflects our core values: passion for service, relationship-driven engagement, responsiveness, resourcefulness, effectiveness and community.