A Natural Resources Network Publication
Created: 2020
Suggested Attribution: Leak, W.B., M. Yamasaki, K.P. Bennett, K. Desmarais, P. Pohl, C. Costello and I. Munck. 2020. White Pine Silviculture for Timber and Wildlife Habitat in New England. University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, Durham, NH. 34 p.
Acknowledgements: The authors thank Robert Cooke, U.S. Forest Service, Mark Ducey, University of New Hampshire, and Andrew Fast and Steve Roberge, UNH Cooperative Extension for their careful review and helpful suggestions.
This update of the 1978 guide (Lancaster and Leak 1978) includes new information on practical silvicultural alternatives such as low-density management, pine-oak mixtures, and wildlife management options. We include the latest on regeneration techniques—a current urgent problem—including the influence of prior agricultural disturbance. Site relationships, successional trends, growth and yield, and economics are discussed as well as suggested stand prescriptions. There are several widely different approaches for managing white pine; we have tried to cover the options.
William B. Leak, research forester, U.S. Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Durham, NH.
Mariko Yamasaki, research wildlife biologist, U.S. Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Durham, NH
Karen P. Bennett, extension forestry professor and New Hampshire state extension forester, emeritus, UNH Cooperative Extension
Ken Desmarais, assistant ranger, U.S. Forest Service, White Mountain National Forest, Campton, NH, formerly N.H. Division of Forests and Lands, Dept. of Resources and Economic Development
Peter Pohl, Carroll County extension forester, retired, UNH Cooperative Extension
Christine Costello, wildlife biologist, U.S. Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Bartlett, NH
Isabel Munck, forest pathologist, U.S. Forest Service, Eastern Region State and Private Forestry, Durham, NH