Workforce Development

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New Hampshire employs over 7,000 workers in the forest industry. This encompasses diverse positions in different sectors with varied skill sets. Foresters, loggers, truckers, welders, engineers, engineering technicians, sawyers, saw filers, managers, sales people, laborers, and mechanics represent just some of those employed – and opportunities that are available.

Despite the dynamic and varied careers that are offered in the forest industry, many employers report difficulty recruiting talented and capable staff for all their vacancies.

The University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension with our UNH, state, non-profit and private sector partners are committed to supporting employment needs in the forest industry and promoting the industry as a modern career with opportunities for young people in New Hampshire.

We are working in three areas:

1) increasing awareness that the forest industry is a potential employer in the state;

2) providing resources that help employers fill vacant positions; and

3) increasing the visibility of relevant governmental programs and resources.

If you are an employer with forest industry workforce needs, an entity that educates or trains prospective forest industry employees, or you have resources that can be helpful, please contact Andy Fast, Forest Industry Specialist with UNH Cooperative Extension (; 603-841-6544).

You can find available resources in New Hampshire’s Forest Industry Workforce Development Resource Guide.

Download the Guide


Extension State Specialist, Forest Industry
Forest Industry State Specialist/Extension Professor
Phone: (603) 862-2402
Office: UNH Cooperative Extension, Nesmith Hall, Durham, NH 03824